FBI Whistleblower Report Outlines Details of Burisma Bribery of the Bidens – IOTW Report

FBI Whistleblower Report Outlines Details of Burisma Bribery of the Bidens

Daily Wire

Then-Vice President Joe Biden allegedly accepted a $5 million bribe from an executive at the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where his son Hunter Biden was paid $1 million per year to sit on its board.

Fox News reported that the allegation is contained in a FD-1023 form that the FBI created based on an interview they conducted with an FBI confidential human source in June 2020. The confidential source has been “consistently reviewed by the FBI” and has been “found to be highly credible.” More

11 Comments on FBI Whistleblower Report Outlines Details of Burisma Bribery of the Bidens

  1. I’m thinking it wasn’t really a bribe to biden- it was a commission, what used to be called a ‘kickback.’
    It is what the mafia calls a ‘vig.’
    “Vigorish (also known as juice, under-juice, the cut, the take, the margin, the house edge or simply the vig) is the fee charged by a bookmaker (or bookie) for accepting a gambler’s wager.”
    that’s what it is, and that is how the biden/pelosi/clinton crime families run their business.


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