FDA Comes Up with New Labeling for What It Considers “Healthy Food” – IOTW Report

FDA Comes Up with New Labeling for What It Considers “Healthy Food”


As we enjoy the holiday week food-based festivities and look forward to 2025, I note with interest that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently finalized new rules for labeling foods as “healthy” for the first time in 30 years, updating the guidelines to align with its version of nutritional science. More

12 Comments on FDA Comes Up with New Labeling for What It Considers “Healthy Food”

  1. Article:

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also announced it is developing a new symbol to help manufacturers quickly signal to consumers that a food meets the “healthy” criteria.

    I suggest that a most appropriate symbol would be a merging of a dollar sign and a turd.

  2. Based on ‘government’ guidelines, ‘government input’, ‘government’ regulations and ‘government’ requirements….I find my health and well-being is much better served when I take control and decide for myself what is best for me and mine.

  3. t this point in America’s history anything that comes out of ANY government agency or has anything that even suggests government involvement or imprimatur has to be considered as being no more likely to be sound advice as a fortune cookie or horoscope. I’d say that in 90% significantly less sound. So far as I know, the other two are not taking money in their back pockets to coerce or force you to buy something that at best isn’t going to improve your situation in any way.

  4. Great! Now all we need are home economics and cooking classes for the majority of EBT takers. If it requires more than a can opener or a microwave oven, it’s TOO hard! Isn’t it enough to ask someone to exert enough energy to open a bag of cookies or chips?

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