Complaint Filed With FEC Against DeSantis Campaign and Never Back Down PAC – IOTW Report

Complaint Filed With FEC Against DeSantis Campaign and Never Back Down PAC


Given Federal Election Commission (FEC) campaign finance laws and limits therein, any outside super PAC is forbidden from coordinating with the official campaign of the candidate.  Over the years the use of super PACs to fund campaigns has become increasingly obvious as the lines were blurred.  The DeSantis campaign and Never Back Down Super PAC took ‘obvious’ to an entirely new level within the 2024 election effort.  Now, a complaint has been filed More

15 Comments on Complaint Filed With FEC Against DeSantis Campaign and Never Back Down PAC

  1. “…any outside super PAC is forbidden from coordinating with the official campaign of the candidate.”

    Of course that rule only applies to republicans and RINOs. Anyone who thinks DeSantis will get better treatment by the establishment and the press because he isn’t Trump, has rocks in their head.

  2. question: if DeSantis were the republican nominee (vs. a d’rat), would you vote for him?

    (I know it’s a long way off & so many things can change in the course of 5 years … & regardless of a d’rat or Trump win [face it; Trump is in by March] what will you do? … as of the present situation) … do you think Ramaswami will leap ahead? … Halley? …

    the question stands: will you support DeSantis if he’s the republican nominee?

    did you support Nixon, Goldwater, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McShitStain, Romney, Trump? … what was your reasoning? or did you ‘ideologically’ say you would not vote for a candidate that could not possibly win … convincing yourself of your ideological purity?


    Great question. I won’t. And I can’t say I’d support any of the rest of them. In my mind the only thing that will save this country is killing the deep state so it sure as hell won’t do any good elected more of them.

  4. apologies to all … I thought I inserted “question: if DeSantis were the republican nominee (vs. a d’rat), would you vote for him?”IN 2028

    argument falls w/out that … remind me to close one eye at the later hours

  5. I’m hoping there is a backup plan, maybe DJT Jr. or Eric.
    Ramaswami is a plant, especially after his lawsuit against the WEF.
    He says all the right things, he’s not DJT, so that would be enough to split the vote.
    ie, The dems will need a less obvious cheat, maybe just a few 100,000 illegals to vote.

  6. There seems to be more than a few people that see there will be a life after this election. Tear it all down, your party your America, your future based on one who is undeserving of this. This will be why it all falls apart.
    So who is the Freedom Caucus supporting for President?

  7. The people who represent Ron Desantis online are the nastiest, the stupidest, and the most zero-sum people I’ve ever seen in my life.

    Might as well be jabbed Biden voters

    If you have’t figured out the Bushes and Romney’s are traitors to this nation.
    Then you deserve Desantis.

    Save Florida, was your only job Ron, and you couldn’t even do that.
    Busy phucking off in Iowa with a couple of pathetic corrupt governors.


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