Feminist Says Teaching Women Self-Defense Has Roots In Racism – IOTW Report

Feminist Says Teaching Women Self-Defense Has Roots In Racism

Daily Caller: Women’s self-defense is grounded in racist and anti-immigrant sentiments, according to feminist author Wendy L. Rouse.

In her new book, “In Her Own Hero: The Origins of the Women’s Self-Defense Movement,” Rouse describes the study of self-defense through an intersectional feminist lens, and posits that self-protection has a history of bigotry.

While learning self-defense allowed white women to work outside the home, “it also allowed those same women to teach working-class and immigrant women the tactics in a white savior–esque fashion,” Rouse wrote, according to author Britni de la Cretaz’s book review. Self-defense is, therefore, highly problematic because it unloads the same male-female hierarchy of the past upon immigrant classes today, Rouse claimed.

“Marginalized folks have signed up for classes in droves following the election of Donald Trump, mirroring the historical purpose of self-defense as a means of empowerment and protection for oppressed people,” Cretaz summarized.   more

26 Comments on Feminist Says Teaching Women Self-Defense Has Roots In Racism

  1. Self defense is a survival technique from the dawn of time, equally employed by males and females. It is human nature to survive.

    If you place zero value on your life, children or spouse, by all means don’t resist or defend yourselves. I won’t even send flowers, you’ve proven yourself to be right, your life has no value.

  2. So… racism is bad. And female self-defense is racist. So it’s bad. So when I tell a female, any female, to “Make me a sammich!” and she mouths off, am I supposed to slap her or go straight for the “thumb” stick? And what is the escalation protocol if the sammich isn’t very good?

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