Feminists try to hijack International Men’s Day – IOTW Report

Feminists try to hijack International Men’s Day

I’ve been binge-watching Bearing videos all week. Here’s one reason why:

Women’s Network tries to hijack International Men’s Day!

7 Comments on Feminists try to hijack International Men’s Day

  1. It’s not so much an attempt at hijacking,
    as much as it is an open admission
    of their impotence as women to get their “message” across.

    I think FRAUD fits the bill better…not even “bait and switch.”

  2. If they were going to hold beer fetching relay races, seminars on sandwich condiment selection, and instruction labs on the right way to eat a banana, that might be OK. Otherwise, go away and hold another feminism seminar somewhere else.

  3. Australian Strawmens’ Network, maybe.

    Some enterprising Aussie man should start the Australian Gents League and raise money in conjunction with the Australian Sex Doll Network.

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