First Lady Is First Class – IOTW Report

First Lady Is First Class

A reporter who actually covers the first lady describes Melania Trump as “Not a Weakling,” and quite capable adapting the “Trump tactic” of punching back hard when she has been unfairly maligned.  More

10 Comments on First Lady Is First Class

  1. Just think about how things could be if Hitlery won.
    Yesterday, Slick Willie said this during an interview:
    “I think the norms have really changed of what you can do to someone against their will.”

  2. She’s a Slavic girl who has adopted America. She’s beautiful. She’s feminine. She’s often demure. And she will totally plant a stiletto heel through your eye socket if you piss her off.

    I married one too, and she’s awesome. And I have a really nice eye patch I get to wear (I’m a slow learner), and pretend I’m a pirate.

    Melania is America’s First Lady. Eat it, liberal bitches.

  3. Per a JFK qoute via Jefferson…

    The FLOTUS is probably smarter than most of the idiots around her.

    @ 240 – yeah…what you said…


    Libs HATE beauty…look at modern art.



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