Fish and Wildlife Service Finally Declares Ivory Bill Woodpecker Extinct – IOTW Report

Fish and Wildlife Service Finally Declares Ivory Bill Woodpecker Extinct

Washington Post

Even the scientist who wrote the obit cried.

“This is not an easy thing,” said Amy Trahan, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist who reviewed the evidence and wrote the report concluding that the ivory bill “no longer exists.”

“Nobody wants to be a part of that,” she added, choking up in a Zoom interview. “Just having to write those words was quite difficult. It took me awhile.” More

25 Comments on Fish and Wildlife Service Finally Declares Ivory Bill Woodpecker Extinct

  1. If evolution is true, then there is no right and wrong. And people weeping over this bird are merely undergoing some peculiar chemical reactions inside the electrochemical meat machine that is their body. The result of some audiovisual signals. In fact, evolution is unguided and purposeless. So this animal dying out is of no consequence. It just couldn’t hack the evolutionary pressures. Suck to be that bird, I guess.

    Only when you invoke God can you have any frame of reference for ethics, morals, beauty, human dignity, animal dignity, et cetera. Even matters of wildlife management and woodland management become incoherent without God at the fore. After all: WHY should we give a rip about owls and lizards and estuaries if… it’s all one big accident?

    You kick God out and… nothing holds together.

  2. The irony is that way more species of plants and animals are being discovered than are going extinct. So, my point is this, as Some Dude says, it’s part of a process we have no control over . . .

  3. The Ivory Billed Woodpecker hasn’t been verifiably sighted since the 1930’s. Past time to move on without tears.

    Its kissin’ cousin the Pileated Woodpecker is doing fine. I saw a pair fly past my house this week.

  4. We have Pilated Woodpeckers here too, they did a number on our cabin in the woods. They are destructive birds, but heh, they were here first. The acorn woodpeckers have torn up a State Parks building here. They have made a nice place to stash all their acorns. Siding, eaves, holes all filled with acorns. 🙂

  5. Some Guy,

    “If evolution is true, then there is no right and wrong. And people weeping over this bird are merely undergoing some peculiar chemical reactions inside the electrochemical meat machine that is their body. The result of some audiovisual signals. In fact, evolution is unguided and purposeless. So this animal dying out is of no consequence. It just couldn’t hack the evolutionary pressures. Suck to be that bird, I guess.

    Only when you invoke God can you have any frame of reference for ethics, morals, beauty, human dignity, animal dignity, et cetera. Even matters of wildlife management and woodland management become incoherent without God at the fore. After all: WHY should we give a rip about owls and lizards and estuaries if… it’s all one big accident?

    You kick God out and… nothing holds together.”

    I know you know this but the selective value people are able to place onto this animal but not onto that one (or not onto that unborn baby) is proof that they’ve elevated themselves to the status of God in their own minds. They alone are the arbiter of what’s worthy of life and tears, and what’s not worth the slightest consideration.

  6. I read about them being extinct a few years ago, except they said then that it was just the North American ones.
    They still exist in Cuba and are not going extinct there, according to that article. Seems a little convenient to list it as extinct now, due to climate change, of course, when they haven’t been seen here in nearly 100 years.

  7. Not joking. I swear I have a pair of these fuckers in my backyard eating the shit out of the suet we put in the bird feeder. I’ll take more pics and give them to Claudia’s Critters

  8. @Some Dude

    “Only when you invoke God can you have any frame of reference for ethics, morals, beauty, human dignity, animal dignity, et cetera. Even matters of wildlife management and woodland management become incoherent without God at the fore. After all: WHY should we give a rip about owls and lizards and estuaries if… it’s all one big accident?

    You kick God out and… nothing holds together.”

    Hear, hear. The woodpecker is a very interesting design. It gets its dinner from pecking into trees and finding worms and bugs. Magnificent! All God’s designs are awesome when you think about it.

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