Fist fight at peace talks – IOTW Report

Fist fight at peace talks



Melee erupts at Yemen peace talks.

GENEVA/SANAA: A fistfight erupted on the sidelines of peace talks in Geneva Thursday between supporters of different warring factions in Yemen, underlining the divisions that have thwarted United Nations efforts broker a truce in the near three-month conflict.

Yemeni opponents of the Houthi forces that drove the government into exile interrupted a news conference by Houthi officials, throwing shoes and insulting them as “criminals” and “dogs” who were “killing the children of south Yemen.”

A Saudi-led coalition has been launching airstrikes against the Iran-allied Houthis since late March in a campaign to restore the exiled government and back its armed supporters.


11 Comments on Fist fight at peace talks

  1. Start of Ramadan

    Ramadan in 2015 will start on Thursday, the 18th of June and will continue for 30 days until Friday, the 17th of July.

    Note that in the Muslim calander, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Muslims will celebrate Ramadan on the sunset of Wednesday, the 17th of June.

  2. Yes and you’ll be pleased to know that right after the Muzzie in Chief threatened to take white people guns away he tweeted Happy Ramadan bitches. Then got on our airplane to go get more money from rich Libs

  3. typical un communists.
    always wanting to get the peace talks going before the commies get defeated on the battle field.
    once you lose on the battle field you don’t have bargaining power left.
    let them fight it out until there is a winner.
    then bomb the crap out of them!

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