Florida Man Charged With Decapitating Mom With Ax – IOTW Report

Florida Man Charged With Decapitating Mom With Ax

Christian Jose Gomez decapitates mother schizo

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32 Comments on Florida Man Charged With Decapitating Mom With Ax

  1. Nothing crazier than a mental case off their meds.
    He probably should have been institutionalized.

    @Larry, GFY.
    Cuomo was the start of a lot of the state’s problems.

    @F.D.R. and Eleanor, INCOMING !!

  2. “He allegedly told police he had been planning the attack for two days because he was angry over his mother’s requests that he put some boxes in the attic.”

    I guess his toys were already there. I also guess there wasn’t any room in mom’s basement for some stupid boxes.

  3. @ Norm E:

    “@Larry, GFY.
    Cuomo was the start of a lot of the state’s problems.”

    Respectfully, no. Nelson Rockefeller was. But, progressives all. Hugh Carrey, Cuomo, and Pataki FTW.

    But it was the progressive Rockefeller that started it. A “Republican,” like the ones running the party today.


    Nice smile on this kid, though…

  4. Do any of you think that the increase in ax killing and decapitations recently is due to the lack of guns? Perhaps our legislators should consider licensing axes. Like only Lumberjacks, Carpenters, Dock builders, farmers etc should be allowed to own axes at a nominal licensing fee. A hefty fee could be imposed on all others who want to own an ax.

    A great revenue maker for the government, don’tchathink?

    No need to thank me, I’m just thinkin’…………..again.

  5. @Moe Tom – Don’t forget to exempt govt agents from axe control. After all, how could the Dept. of Education SWAT gang get their crucial work done and go safely home to their families at the end of the day without their axes?

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