Former Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx Has Lost Her Law License – IOTW Report

Former Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx Has Lost Her Law License

Fox News

Former Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx is no longer authorized to practice law in Illinois after she failed to keep her license current.

According to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARCD), Foxx is “unauthorized to practice law as [the] attorney has not demonstrated required MCLE [Minimum Continuing Legal Education] compliance.”

Her license to practice law was suspended on Dec. 1. More

10 Comments on Former Cook County Prosecutor Kim Foxx Has Lost Her Law License

  1. Too fxkin stupid to renew her own law license…
    You would think that out of 700 attorneys and 1,100 employees and assistants SOMEONE should be able to remember, but she is universally hated by everyone that has to work with her.

    Talk about the penuckle of DEI!!

  2. Most of the MCLE providers report automatically to the ARDC as credits are accrued – the attorney takes a course (including on-line), and the credits are reported by the provider. Illinois is not a self reporting state where the attorneys keep track of MCLE themselves and then just report “yes” or “no” if the requirements are met.

    The claim of “clerical error” doesn’t sound right.

  3. “Kim Foxx is no longer authorized to practice law in Illinois”

    She never practiced law in Illinois.

    She warped and twisted law, abused the law, and ignored the law if all else failed, but she never practiced it.


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