Former Obama strategist accused of illegally funding campaign against Netanyahu – IOTW Report

Former Obama strategist accused of illegally funding campaign against Netanyahu

Washington Times reports – At a Sunday press conference in Tel Aviv, Likud party leaders accused Victory 2015, run by Obama 2012 national field director Jeremy Bird, of accepting millions of dollars in foreign contributions, in violation of campaign finance law, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

“Millions of dollars whose source is left wingers overseas are now being poured into funding the campaign to bring down Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud,” said a statement by Likud, which has filed a complaint with state campaign authorities aimed at forcing the group to cease its election activity.


13 Comments on Former Obama strategist accused of illegally funding campaign against Netanyahu

  1. Y’see, the whole reason 0bama is bored with this whole presidential thing is that he’s practicing to become KING OF THE WORLD. And in his puny little mind it’s taking too long.

  2. Hell, it’s just Obama and his henchmen spreading their knowledge on how to take foreign political donations illegally and get away with it because everyone is scared of being called a racist. Yep, it’s just Obama’s private Continuing Education Program.

    When the World is one big community, barry will be qualified to run it.
    Due to his experience as a community organizer and all…

    All hail King barry the First!!

  4. I knew this was gonna just BLOW UP in this big eared, black assed, shit stain eatin’, MF’n lying SOB’s face once the smart people got wind of it!!! He deserved PRISON and not the suzy bake oven kind either!!! Where’s the Tylenol?!

    And I’m RUDE JUDE!! I clicked it before I finished it. I was really mad huh?

  5. Wait’ll CBSNews investigates and finds out a muslim traitor president is trying to destroy Israel! Oh, wait, their “reporters” are too busy cheating on their wives, sexting girls half their age and bragging about how they’d gladly blow Obama.

  6. NOOOO, say it isn’t so. No person associated with OBAMA could be dishonest. Just look at Obama’s friends and colleagues. Remember, you are judged by the people you choose to have around you. Query; who corrupted whom?

    Bill Gates says a few articles after this one.

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