Frederick Douglass Foundation chairman suggests Democrat Party more systemically racist than police – IOTW Report

Frederick Douglass Foundation chairman suggests Democrat Party more systemically racist than police

Black conservative Kevin McGary also suggests Trump support among African-American voters will grow this election over 2016.

Just The News –

The conservative head of a foundation honoring the famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass is rejecting the notion that systemic racism pervades America’s police forces, suggesting instead there is more evidence of systemic racism in the liberal bastions of the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood.

During an interview on the “John Solomon Reports” podcast, Kevin McGary, the chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, questioned the claim that systemic racism prevails among police when so many minorities populate law enforcement’s ranks.

Instead, he said that the description of systemic racism could be applied to the Democratic Party, which he said “started slavery and segregation and to this very day they actually encourage the black genocide of black babies.” He also said that “all of their upper echelon, meaning in the House and the Senate, are white, and has been for decades, many decades, probably forever.” more here

4 Comments on Frederick Douglass Foundation chairman suggests Democrat Party more systemically racist than police

  1. Still no forthright willingness to admit the complicity of individual, black race hustlers within the Democrat party, from city council members up to and including a former president.

  2. The key word is “more” systematic racism than the police. This clown buys into the narrative all the rest do, it diminishes any point he was trying to make.


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