Full Disclosure – IOTW Report

Full Disclosure

I’m making this post because I would never lie or deceive my readers. I may even being violating the terms of agreement by posting this. If they don’t like it they can take the ad down.

You may have noticed the Donald Trump donation box in the upper left-hand corner of the sidebar. Donald Trump’s campaign approached a 3rd-party vendor and asked if they would hand-select conservative blogs that they have/had a relationship with to run his ad in exchange for compensation.

I would never allow a reader to make a donation that they believed was going to Donald Trump in full when it wasn’t. Trump has agreed to give 28.5% of all proceeds delivered through iOTWreport to iOTWreport. You should know this.

Why am I running it? Because Trump needs this, he is comfortable with this arrangement and he believes this is an equitable agreement. The alternative is not having access to you with a convenient clickable link.



27 Comments on Full Disclosure

  1. Ya know, I was thinking about the debate tonight, and if I were Trump’s campaign manager, I’d have a whiteboard behind his podium with the other nine participants names on it, and I’d have Donald tick them off, with commentary, one at a time:

    First, Jeb Bush. Ya just called me a naughty word that rhymes with “grasshole”, didn’t ya, Yeb? Your Mama, nice lady. She should wash your mouth out with soap. Said it before, and I’ll say it again…another Bush? Right. You’re not even half the man your brother was. Next…

    Mike Huckabee: I liked your show on FOX. Was it cancelled, Mike? You should try to get it back. You’ll soon be looking for something top fill your time again. Next…

    Marco Rubio: You’re a nice kid, Marco. Great potential. You might want to get out of this field and get a real job, round out your experience more. The Senate is where aspiration goes to die, Marco! Moving on…

    Chris Christie: Your five minutes on YouTube played out like, what? Five years ago. (Winking) This is a bridge too far for you, Governor. Next…

    Scott Walker: Wisconsin. Good cheese. Good beer. I here they get drunk and tip cows over there. Did you ever do that? Tipping cows. That’s funny. Cows.

    Rand Paul: Nice hair. #2, Marla- she made me buy her a poodle once. She loved that dog.

    John Kasich: Didn’t you leave government and use your connections to score a gig at Lehman Brothers? And then help them sink Lehman Brothers? Wow…and you come out in public after that?

    Finally, Dr. Ben Carson & Sen. Ted Cruz: Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here, maybe, but I look at you two and think, hey, these guys play their cards right, we might be talking new Surgeon General and Attorney General in a Trump Administration”.

    Okay. Good meeting. So how about next time I debate Hillary then?

  2. Free beer for all of us on Thuesday! Thanks for the disclosure. I am not sure yet where I will send my modest donations. If it’s to Trump then it will be through the clickable link.

    At this I know my donations will not be going to the party, to Yeb, to Carly (clueless stance on Islam) or to a host of BSing Rino losers.

  3. A great deal from a great candidate, Sir Fur! I think the Donald likes you…maybe a cabinet post in 2017? (That was not ‘tongue in cheek’, Sir Fur. I really think he knows this site well and takes time to at least scroll through. Plus, he knows you do great work, and could really help “Make America Great Again”!)

  4. This is simply the free market in operation.

    Well, it’s a campaign contribution, so it isn’t at all a free market, but for our purposes it’s close enough for govt work (that’s a joke).

    Thanks for the explanation. I’m glad you’re getting a piece of Donny’s action.

  5. Put up a clickable link to the Cruz campaign, and you’ll get some of my money!

    I am warming up to Trump, but I still think he is gonna do something to blow it (on purpose) and make all conservatives look bad. I hope I am wrong.

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