Gay Inclusive “All Black Lives Matter” To Be Permanently Painted On Hollywood Boulevard – IOTW Report

Gay Inclusive “All Black Lives Matter” To Be Permanently Painted On Hollywood Boulevard

NBC Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services will close Hollywood Boulevard from Highland Avenue to Orange Drive next week to install a permanent street mural commemorating the June 14 All Black Lives Matter March.

Crews with the bureau, also known as StreetsLA, will close the portion of the street Monday and are expected to complete the work by next Friday. More

18 Comments on Gay Inclusive “All Black Lives Matter” To Be Permanently Painted On Hollywood Boulevard

  1. Nice to see a city with some of the highest unemployment due to their ridiculous tyrannical mayor and state gov can find the funds to do such a nice unifying project. But they can’t possibly pay their $100 of extra unemployment. Liberalism find a cure fast.

  2. “All Black Lives Matter” is good but “All Lives Matter” is racist?

    I hope they hold a parade down Ho-Wo Blvd and the horses drop their horse puckeys all over the mural.

  3. Oh, to live close enough to do a run-in-and-out.
    I have an SUV. Get two people in the back, with two 5 gal open buckets of black paint (appropriate). Drive slowly down the street late at night. Pop the back hatch and slowly spill the paint onto the “mural”. Keep driving slowly away into the “sunset”.

  4. I live in LA and to get to the freeway, you have to go through Hollywood. It has really messed up traffic that must move at the most busy time of the day. Total waste and annoyance. But then again, we have to deal with Eric Garcetti, our Mayor as well. His name is being tossed around for director of HUD if Biden gets in. One need only drive around LA and see the mess of homelessness all over the place. Yes, I guess we will get this nationwide if Garcetti gets anywhere near HUD. My take–BLM sign a waste and hurts commuters.

  5. Remember, disable the cameras in the area before destroying it.

    Hey, it’s okay for me to say that. The Fake News Media has made it clear that I am allowed to destroy property if I feel angry about some imagined injustice. I will simply identify as an angry black woman (ha, ha) if arrested. If you say I am a white man I call you racist and sexist.


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