Gen. Mike Flynn: Hillary Clinton’s Email Setup Was ‘Unbelievable Active Criminal Behavior’ – IOTW Report

Gen. Mike Flynn: Hillary Clinton’s Email Setup Was ‘Unbelievable Active Criminal Behavior’

“We’re going to see people going in that are registered Democrats going in and say ‘I’m voting for Trump because I can’t vote for this crooked person, this criminal person who has damaged our country.’”

Breitbart: NEW YORK CITY, New York — On Breitbart News Saturday, before FBI director James Comey again rushed to clear Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton before the election, retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn detailed how she broke the law with her illicit, home-brew email server.

“It was a violation of the law. It’s not just violation of State Department guidelines,” Flynn told SiriusXM host Matthew Boyle. “Let’s forget about the pedophilia, let’s forget about the Clinton Foundation for a second and let’s focus on Hillary Clinton’s grave risk that she’s placed our country at by using a private server to do business at the most sensitive levels of our government.”

“That’s beyond [just against] State Department policy. That’s a criminal act,” he added. “I have been part of investigations where people have spied on our country or done espionage been used to extort information for purposes of damaging our country. That’s what Hillary Clinton has done. This is beyond violating State Department policy. If that’s all it was, I wouldn’t be sitting here today. This is an unbelievable active criminal behavior.”  more

9 Comments on Gen. Mike Flynn: Hillary Clinton’s Email Setup Was ‘Unbelievable Active Criminal Behavior’

  1. Lt. General Mike Flynn did not bother to and sugar coat his words or use double meaning words.
    His statement is spoken like a true patriot! Thank you, Gen Flynn, for your service and your well spoken evaluation of our current political predicament.

  2. Thinking people have a right to be upset with Comey, but their ire should be directed at Loretta Lynch. The FBI cannot file charges – that is the Attorney General’s function. Lynch should be hung out to dry for (1) putting herself in a position to not make a decision by an improper meeting with Bill Clinton, and (2) ducking her responsibility.

    The Obama administration has been more teflon than any administration I can remember. But Lynch is the primary bad actor here, and everyone is ignoring her.

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