George Washington’s Mount Vernon Becomes Gun-Free Zone – IOTW Report

George Washington’s Mount Vernon Becomes Gun-Free Zone


During his first inaugural address, delivered January 8, 1790, Washington said, “A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined.” At this point, Americans can no longer be armed in Washington’s home.  

10 Comments on George Washington’s Mount Vernon Becomes Gun-Free Zone

  1. Have any of you noticed Google today? “Explore America’s history of racial injustice.” The silent march of 100 years ago.
    Slave stories etc. America bad. Google good.

  2. Just wait. SJW leftists are going after all confederate icons, naming of streets, parks and school names now.
    After these blood drenched wolves leave the last of those carcasses, they’ll move on the founders. My Vernon, Montpelier, and Monticello are next. These carnivores have voracious appetites.

  3. Walking the grounds and house of Mount Vernon I felt a reverence for that place Washington always yearned to get back to. So glad to have seen it before it becomes the site of yet another massacre.

    Gun Free = Unsafe Space

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