After the media’s plan to use the border crisis as propaganda for Obama’s amnesty backfired, the media either stopped covering the crisis altogether or buried its coverage. This left the job to New Media outlets like Breitbart News and the Drudge Report. After Drudge linked to an alarming World Net Daily article that reasonably suggested our unsecured borders are even more frightening during an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, Geraldo Rivera flipped out: MORE
…the douche should go back and check if he left his diseased brain inside Capone’s safe!!!
Tweeted to Geraldo
“This government is so secretive, I wouldn’t be surprised Ebola (and other highly communicable diseases) already here.”
Good one, Cardigan!
God, I hate this sleezy fuckwad.
I’ll pray for forgiveness later.
Jerry always defends the illegals. God what an asshole.
Saw that and puked all over my keyboard!
Have we checked to see if this guy is an illegal?
Ass hat, ass hole, ass wipe = Geraldo
That old goat selfie made me throw up a little.
I think Fox News should send Geraldo over to Liberia to cover the Ebola outbreak.
Capone told me that in 1932, four of his associates cleared out the vault and the tunnels inside the Lex and took everything to Palm Island, Florida.
To quote Al in 1986, “The Spic Rican has been punked by a Wop.”
Franklin, remember what Al said when the G-Men put out the rumor that you were putt-putt’ing around in his custom-armored Cadillac? 🙂
Yeah, we led him on until he got out of prison in ’39. He was even more pissed to learn it was making big money on display in England…had been over there since ’33.
What a hoot. 👿
Ricanaldo is a scumbag. Only a scumbag would brag publicly about extramarital affairs with women. (No mention of men.) Then take selfies of himself half naked. With me the prick is on the same level as Sharpton and Weiner.
Well, Big Al got the last laugh with Gerry.
Hey F.D.R,Elanor, is the Late Senator Jacob Javits down there with you? Did he ever mention the Jewrican and Miriam? Or did the Senator make it upstairs?
Don’t you lie to me now.
It’s like a dementia patient snapping pictures of his junk from Alzcare anti-elopement ward. A japanese tourist dropped one of his cameras into the monkey cage at the zoo. Or some old geezer idolizing Carlos Danger striking a pose.
Retched pathology.
@Cardigan — Why, oh why, did you choose this photo of Geraldo for the post?
I had recovered from eye bleach and now have to give another treatment.
Not right.
I heard that he, bowie and mick j. Screwed around.
Reddecaesari. You better get out of that habit. Hee, hee.
A nun should not think like an Elanor.
When was Geraldo on a gay porn set?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Wait. Yes there is. (BARFING)
STFU Jerold.
Isn’t it about time to hit him with a chair again?
Shame on FOX for giving this used asswipe ANY air time. But then, I guess if you allow the brain damaged Powers, Guan(o) Williams and the suppurating pustule colmes any air time, one has to include the PR for “balance” and “fairmess”
Speaking of Powers, doesn’t she have anything else to do but float around all those shows? Enough of her.
Then there’s Megyn… love you, but gal, learn to shut up sometimes.
And Jerry… well, now I know what a choad is. Pardone me, por favor.