Germany: 15 year old girl knifed policewoman ‘under orders from ISIS’ – IOTW Report

Germany: 15 year old girl knifed policewoman ‘under orders from ISIS’

NewEnglishReview: A 15-year-old girl who knifed a policewoman at Hanover’s main train station in February may have been acting under orders from Isis terrorists, media reported on Tuesday.

It also emerged the girl praised the Paris attacks, calling the date “her favorite day.”

The 15-year-old girl, Safia S., said she had traveled to Turkey and had been in contact with members of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and broadcasters WDR and NDR reported after they were able to access chat logs between the teenager and another Islamist in the central German city of Hanover.

These revelations show that Safia may not only have been inspired by the terrorist group, but had also been under their orders to carry out attacks.   MORE

2 Comments on Germany: 15 year old girl knifed policewoman ‘under orders from ISIS’

  1. Sure great to know that America-hating Bummer is bringing in hundreds of thousands of his Sunni bruhs and nobody says a freeken word about it.
    Not the Repukes, not Trump. Not NOBODY.

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