Getting Blown Away in the Windy City – IOTW Report

Getting Blown Away in the Windy City


Memorial Day weekend violence has left nine people dead and 34 others wounded, Chicago police said.

Police said three people were shot while standing on the sidewalk in the 9100-block of South Harper Avenue when someone drove up and fired at around 1:45 a.m.

A 59-year-old man, 57-year-old woman, and a 77-year-old man were all hit and transported to local hospitals. More

26 Comments on Getting Blown Away in the Windy City

  1. The USA has one of the highest murder rates in the world. if you remove …
    Washington, D.C.
    St. Louis
    Philadelphia …
    the US is then around 189 out of 193 countries in the world.

    all these 5 cities have strict gun control & all have been totally controlled by DemocRats for around a century

    (get rid of Baltimore too & we’d be the safest country in the world!)

    Nukes at dawn, MotherTrucker!

  2. “You guys wanna’ hang out on a city street corner at 1:45 AM?”

    Hmm. How many friends can I bring? What weapons are we allowed. I mean this question runs the gambit from hell no to yo bet. You need to be more specific.

  3. Literally go to whatever urban hell hole this is….or substitute your local Gomorrah…whatever.

    Hang out with two friends on a street corner. 1:45AM. Buzzed or high, packing whatever you can carry.

    Something interesting is bound to happen.

    You go to more than one gym. You’re probably refrigerator size. How could they miss?

  4. Not all midgets…. I mean, sure, they’re all goin’ to Hell, but Stumpy is the only guy I’ll let work on my truck.

    Dude doesn’t even need a creeper to get under it. Handy as all get out.

  5. We had a midget. He could haul a lasher if he was stoned. You’d have to be stoned to haul a lasher. All day. Every day. We’d give you twenty dollars a day. And a little bag of weed.

  6. Damn that’s a cheap midget. Mine works at a classic auto repair shop. I drive by it all the time. I pull over, shoot the breeze and usually have him check my work. He’s always finding something I missed or has a suggestion for improvement.

    Every day at exactly 3:15 he walks across the busy road to the liquor store and gets a 12 pack. It’s almost bigger than he is.

    I keep tellin’ him he should quit smoking cause’ those things stunt your growth but he never listens.

  7. “You go to more than one gym. You’re probably refrigerator size. How could they miss?”

    Ah, now your logic in being an anorexic kinda white guy makes sense. Harder to shoot. LOL

  8. I think you should become a super hero.

    Get a flak jacket, paint it green and call yourself…”The Turtle”
    You actually live where people are. That’s usually where crime occurs.

    C’mon, we live in a fake republic that’s all gay and repressive. Might as well get in some licks before granpa’ Joe nukes us all.

  9. ^^^^
    You should maybe start hitting the Whey Protein Powder, and maybe some of those Low T remedies. What ever.
    Here’s some really cool shit. Ali, yea the boxer, has a Grandson. Rico. Gotta clip of him on IG shared it with Joe6, he traced down his shit. Kids 8 and 0. He moves like his Grandpa, hits like Tyson. Damn fun to watch. I found YT vids of him hanging out with Tyson.
    “Make The Sweet Science Great Again”

  10. You should go fuck yourself you old fat piece of Karen shit.

    Here I am, spending time with you all, being nice…. and every time, just like fucking clockwork. This stupid bitch with delusions of grandeur has to swing her fake cock around like I care.

    You’re literally the stupidest person online…and I’m on gab.

    Hope this finds you well,

    blah blah blah #caring

  11. I dunno, maybe we should send the gangbangers to the shooting range, we might cut down on the collateral damage. Day one, pull up your pants and hold your gun straight!

  12. We had another midget at Boomerang’s Ribs. It’s a pretty sad story. He was 24 but looked like he was 13. He used to drink pickle juice straight from the 5 gallon buckets of pickles… I mean in a beer glass, straight from the buckets. I asked him, “How the hell can your guts take that? That would kill me.”

    His answer was, “I’m already dead.” What do you say? If I drank pickle juice like that I’d fire off to the moon in the shitter, and drop dead in the walk-in freezer. Then this big grin spread across his face.

    I’m not sure why I shared this.

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