Getting To Know iOTWreport Writer Aurelius – IOTW Report

Getting To Know iOTWreport Writer Aurelius

BigFurHat interviews Aurelius
– Many people “become” their political identity over time. Were you always a conservative?
– Did you grow up in a conservative family, or are you an outlier?
My family is pretty conservative.
What region of the country are you from?
I was born in New York City and raised in Upstate NY pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
Do you have that New Yawk accent that I’ve been blessed with?
No, though my dad has it in spades.  He grew up in Queens, so it’s practically a right of passage to leave off certain sounds in words and talk with your hands.
-Were your friends as political, and if so, were they left or right, or did it not even come up?
 Where I grew up is very Republican, but my friends didn’t care about politics as much as I did.
When did you begin writing politically? Why?
I started writing as “Aurelius” in 2010 because I was tired of the bland brand of “journalism” that was being pushed a year and a half into the Obama Administration.  I would read the news and say to myself, “That’s not how I interpret that,” or “I could write better than that.”  So I decided to try.
– Who are some of your favorite political writers?
I love Ace of Spades and RD Brewer over at Ace of Spades.  Allahpundit of HotAir is up there too.
-Do you ever disagree with their analysis, and does that matter? For instance, I never stopped loving Ann Coulter’s writing, even when I wasn’t totally agreeing with her.
Disagree or not, I still like their writing.  That said, Allahpundit drives me crazy sometimes with the Romney rumors.  Let the man rest, for God’s sake!
What political sites do you like?
HotAir, Drudge, Ace, and, of course, iOTW Report.
I like how Ace’s site can cut loose and do articles that aren’t necessarily political. Personally, I like that in a site. Is that something you enjoy, or feel is important?
I enjoy it a lot and I think it’s important.  The format of writing that we are participating in requires a little bit of personality and it requires you to connect with the people who read your stuff.
What sites annoy/disappoint/infuriate you?
BuzzFeed is probably the worst website I’ve ever seen.  It’s a constant stream of top 22 lists with clickbait garbage and a massive liberal slant.  The Huffington Post and Vox are at the bottom of the barrel as well.
– How old are you?  
I’m in my 20s, believe it or not.
So you’ve never been able to vote for a winning president?
I’ve never had that honor quite yet.
We’ve been doing playlists. Who are some of the artists you would have on yours?
Oh God, a music question?  Uh, Simon and Garfunkel, the Killers, Billy Joel, and Vampire Weekend.
-You lost me at Billy Joel. Maybe if you named a few Joel songs that are somewhat palatable I won’t excise this portion of the interview. lol
Uh… We Didn’t Start the Fire.  Piano Man.  Only the Good Die Young.
-Moving on… lol. Where were you on 9/11?
In my middle school.
-Were you aware of the first attack on the WTC? Was that taught in school?
I was a pretty nerdy middle schooler, so I knew vaguely about the first attack a decade before 9/11.  I overheard about 9/11 in Science class, but I didn’t really get the scope of it all until I got home and saw it on TV.  Other classes in my school were watching parts of it live, but I wasn’t in those.
 – Are you supporting any particular candidate for president?
Still undecided.  I was hoping that Scott Walker would have more spine than he showed.  Now that he’s dropped out, I’m waiting to see how everyone performs over the next couple of months.
– Who would you least like to see in the presidency – Sanders, Clinton or Biden?
Clinton.  I think Biden would be good for a laugh and Sanders would screw everything up so badly during his sole term that conservatives would get swept into Congress for the next decade.  Clinton has no redeeming qualities; if she’s elected, it’s the American people declaring that they do not care about character, leadership, or the future.
– Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic for the country’s future?
Ask me in 12-and-a-half months.
 – What are the top 3 issues that are integral for making the U.S. the greatest nation on earth?
1- Freedom of Speech.  That’s one of the thing that I focus on in my writing: the squashing of freedom of speech throughout the nation or the absolute hatred that some people have for hearing something that they deem slightly “offensive.”
2- The Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
3- A government that interferes as little in the daily life of the American people as possible.
– What is your most “liberal” quality, besides enjoying Allahpundit (I kid, I kid!)?
Does finding someone as liberal as Olivia Wilde attractive count as a liberal quality?
-Could you overlook a girl’s ideology and have a relationship, or is it a non-starter?
It depends how bad it is.  I went out with a girl a few years ago that turned out to be a hardcore democrat and I got the hell out of there.  However, if she’s a moderate (or better, a conservative), I can deal with it, especially if she’s open to discussing things.
– Your “Death Row” meal?
Probably a bacon cheeseburger with fries.
-Yuge question for  iOTWers – Dogs or cats?
– Even YUGER. Forget Ginger or Maryanne, Jeanine Pirro or Sarah Palin?
Maryanne and Sarah Palin.
-Now you’re talking. Thanks for your time, and thank you for being a great writer. We’re lucky to have you aboard.
My pleasure.



35 Comments on Getting To Know iOTWreport Writer Aurelius

  1. I just want to say: Voting for a winning President is not necessarily an “honor”. In some cases, far from it.

    P.S. – Extra points for not jumping on the Trump bandwagon before it’s justified.


  2. Good Ol’ Peppi Marchello, God rest his soul.
    Lead singer of the world’s most famous unknown band – to coin his phrase.

    His voice is one where it either grabs you or rejects you.
    I love his voice.
    I think he was one of the better rock singers of his generation.

    Here’s a great Peppi song –

    One of the first pieces of art I ever made was a “scratchboard” of the Good Rats.
    I got them to sign it.
    Have no idea where it is.

  3. OK, I wanna play!

    – Many people “become” their political identity over time. Were you always a conservative?

    – Did you grow up in a conservative family, or are you an outlier?


    – What region of the country are you from?

    Texas, but moved arond a bit because IBM, landed in NC when I was 15, never intend to leave.

    Do you have that New Yawk accent that I’ve been blessed with?

    Hail No!!!!

    -Were your friends as political, and if so, were they left or right, or did it not even come up?

    Nope, and most of my friends walk away whe the subject comes up.
    – When did you begin writing politically? Why?

    – Who are some of your favorite political writers?
    BFH, MJA, IC, MR.P, HC, Claudia, Cardigan, Admin Girl.

    -Do you ever disagree with their analysis, and does that matter? For instance, I never stopped loving Ann Coulter’s writing, even when I wasn’t totally agreeing with her.

    Yes, and that’s all I have to say about that.

    – What political sites do you like?

    Well, I like iOTWr, but I spend most of my time on lefty sites pissing of progs. I do find it rather enjoyable!

    – What sites annoy/disappoint/infuriate you?

    Drudge is the one that disapoints me the most. He keeps linking that whacko Alex Jones. That’s a hard one for me to get over.

    – How old are you?

    I’m a Grandpa. Want pics of my grand daughter?

    So you’ve never been able to vote for a winning president?

    Yes actually I have, Reagan and Bush and Bush! I’m only proud of the Reagan one though, the other two were the lessor of 2 evils.

    – We’ve been doing playlists. Who are some of the artists you would have on yours?

    Jimmy Buffet!

    -You lost me at Billy Joel. Maybe if you named a few Joel songs that are somewhat palatable I won’t excise this portion of the interview. lol

    Billy was ok, but his tie was to wide.

    -Moving on… lol. Where were you on 9/11?

    Corner of Reead and Mangrove building an elevated deck/carport.

    – Are you supporting any particular candidate for president?

    TED CRUZ!!!!!!

    – Who would you least like to see in the presidency – Sanders, Clinton or Biden?

    Clinton. Like it or not, she has a massive amount of power, largely from foreign foreigners.

    – Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic for the country’s future?

    Optimistic locally because I am working with a pair of 30 year olds running for local office. Nationally, I am a bit scared…I see youngun’s with Bernie bumper stickers on their cars.

    – What are the top 3 issues that are integral for making the U.S. the greatest nation on earth?

    Education, education and education.

    – What is your most “liberal” quality, besides enjoying Allahpundit (I kid, I kid!)?

    I’m not sure I have any liberal “qualities”.

    -Could you overlook a girl’s ideology and have a relationship, or is it a non-starter?

    Can she cook and how big are her ti…

    – Your “Death Row” meal?

    I’m going down fighting.

    -Yuge question for iOTWers – Dogs or cats?

    Yes, but I can take my dog fishing, and he craps in the woods behind the house.

    – Even YUGER. Forget Ginger or Maryanne, Jeanine Pirro or Sarah Palin?

    Jamie Lee Curtis.

    -Now you’re talking. Thanks for your time, and thank you for being a great writer. We’re lucky to have you aboard.

    Yes we are!


  4. Nice to get to know you a bit, Aurelius. But…cats????

    Just so you know, my 3 morning web visits every day (and later in the day if time) are always iotw, ace, and breitbart. Keep up the good work!!!!

  5. Cats? Seriously? Are you male or female? LOL

    Seriously, welcome aboard. I enjoyed the interview, especially
    where you state “The format of writing that we are participating in requires a little bit of personality and it requires you to connect with the people who read your stuff.”

    Absolutely true. One of the things that makes iotwreport so great is that we get to know the contributors and the commenters. Sometimes it feels like family. Its great to read the opinions and rants even if I don’t always agree with them. I hope you enjoy your new endeavor. I look forward to reading your pieces.

  6. Uh Dude, you do know that J.L.C. um, “plays for the other team”, right? She must do a lot of plays and stuff because apparently she turned into one of them “thesbians”.

  7. “Cats? Seriously? Are you male or female? LOL”, asks the guy with the Westie avatar!
    That looks exactly like my Mother-in-Law’s dog, Cassie. They (my in-laws) all hate that dog… Oddly enough though, Cassie is the only one in the whole family who actually likes me!

    Damn! I’m Obama! I just realized that I managed to stroll into an ongoing converstion and make it about ME! Shit, I could be a community organi… nah!
    Carry on lessers.

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