Gingrich Defends Boehner – IOTW Report

Gingrich Defends Boehner

Gingrich says that conservative critics have become so preoccupied with disparaging their party’s leaders that they’re jeopardizing their current majority and the party’s potential for continued success.

Read more @ Washington Examiner.

gingrich boehner

30 Comments on Gingrich Defends Boehner

  1. I’ll add a forehead slap to the eye roll.

    These clowns were elected on a promise to end Obamacare, stop illegal immigration and generally oppose king O’s diktats.

    They have done nothing more than play lapdog to the omnipotent ruler.

  2. Conservative gains have not been allowed to fulfill their campaign promises because of the Senate and House professional powerful dreck. I believe voters will continue to elect more and more conservatives, and put the RINOS and their progressive partners out of office.

    And stay strong on state and local elections.

  3. Big deal about their current majority. What do they do to make America better with it? Not one effing thing. These squishes win and they still act like they’re the minority party. Democrats are the minority party and still boss these gutless wonders around. Newt should just concentrate on finding his next squeeze.

  4. “Ironically, Boehner is the speaker who has the largest Republican majority since 1928,” Gingrich said. “[Boehner] gained seats in 2010, he gained a couple in 2012, and he gained a lot more in 2014. So you can like or dislike John’s style, but he’s been pretty darn effective and he’s going to continue to be very darn effective in a very difficult environment.”

    So Boehner gained seats? Really? How about the voters? How about governing against the will of the voters who gave him this majority? What’s happened to The Neuter?

  5. Makes you wonder if the free speaking toad of man that Newt is, was ever punched hard in the stomach by a irate citizen? His momma told him he was special and he’s been living in Cotton Candy world ever since. Was he doing coke in the 90s???

  6. How much money did our ‘fearless leaders’ pay him to say that?

    Term limits and shooting every lobbyist would go a long way to getting these greedy bastards out of politics and our lives.

  7. Newt proves his lack of insight here.

    The vast gains from the Republican Party are strictly as a backlash to the aggressive leftist politics of Obama and the Democrats. They gains absolutely were not votes of support of anything Boehner and team have actually done, but in the hopes that Boehner and team would counter Obama.

    And we have been disappointed.

  8. As a former prosecutor, I’ve always believed that many a mystery can be solved once you follow the money–and you’ve now explained why Boner is only “willing” to “investigate” as a type of kabuki.
    Thanks–I always wondered who the money at Stem Express belonged to and now you’ve hit it out of the park for me!!

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