Graduate Says ‘No, Thanks’ to Merrick Garland’s ‘Mushy’ Harvard Commencement Speech – IOTW Report

Graduate Says ‘No, Thanks’ to Merrick Garland’s ‘Mushy’ Harvard Commencement Speech

just walked out of harvard’s graduation because I didn’t want to listen to merrick garland talk about himself for 30 minutes. [Story]

15 Comments on Graduate Says ‘No, Thanks’ to Merrick Garland’s ‘Mushy’ Harvard Commencement Speech

  1. “Garland’s speech focused on the vague “democracy under threat” trope”

    He is absolutely right, our democracy is under threat. Garland and his gangster buddies threaten our democracy daily; stolen elections, basic Constitutional liberties threatened, due process of law thrown out the window, subverting our judicial process, unleashing destitution on the majority of the country with his neglect of the economy, and turning concerned parents and mindful gun owners into felons who now have to worry about a weaponized FBI who want to imprison them.

    Yet the arrogance of fools like Garland inhibits any level of discernment or self relfection.

  2. Speaking of commencement speeches, if you’ve not heard Jordan Peterson’s speech at the Hillsdale graduation 2022, it’s genuinely a must hear. Amazing barely covers it. It is so genuine, so straight from the heart; I think I detected Larry Arnn shedding tears at the end.

    Not only is the Left just generally boorish, they have no divine spark that allows them to be sincerely uplifting to others. The Leftard colleges can keep their leftard speakers.

  3. Sorry, but all I could think was, $76 grand a year for a Psychology degree? I’m glad she understands the bullshit that the left spews, but unless you have another good reason for spending that kind of money on a low-paying undergraduate degree, why in God’s name wouldn’t you obtain it from a State school? Or, an MRS degree, maybe?

  4. I read about a rural high school graduation that included a well known local business man. He had the audac3to tell the class that theyy would be better off living a biblical life, ie marry the oppisite sex, keep your gender you were born with, etc. And of course some fruit loops got all butt hurt because someone dared to say that. But what really set them off was the applause at the end of the speech. The nerve! So, so sick of this shit.

  5. AA, I just got done watching Jordan Peterson’s speech at Hillsdale. Saying that was an impressive commencement speech is and understatement. He really had his heart in that speech, glad I watched it.

  6. Dr. Hambone –
    “…If you crossed a Nazi Gestapo officer with Mr. Rogers, you’d get Merrick Garland…”

    VERY accurate description! Well done.

  7. Were it not for Joe’s lackey “Turtle” aka Mitch, Garland would not be AG! MItch ‘moved heaven and earth”to get “Bush Republicans” to vote for Garland!many feared being “primaried” if they voted for America hater
    Garland. Mitch “sweated blood” twisting arms to get Garland confirmed. Thanks mitch! NOT!
    JOoe is very lucky to have such a toady “lead” the /GOP!!@?$!^&?#


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