Grandma regrets voting for Biden – IOTW Report

Grandma regrets voting for Biden

Because she can’t afford bacon.

28 Comments on Grandma regrets voting for Biden

  1. If you carry a cat by the tail you will learn things you cannot learn any other way. Mark Twain

    Irrespective of how obvious the likely outcome of some stupid act, some people need to feel it for themselves before they believe it.

  2. It always comes down to the economy. But what the hell did Biden voters expect?! He said during the debates the border will be wide open and I’ll end the energy independence policy. How didn’t you hear inflation in that.

  3. Get President Trump back in his rightful place as U.S. President and “Person of Color” Grandma Demwit will be able to afford a lot of bacon.

    She has probably made the connection Xiden is lying, thieving, brain addled scum, but she might not ever admit it.

  4. I haven’t been to Golden Corral in over 20 years. I can’t and don’t do lard ass specials anymore. And even my favorite Chinese buffet I haven’t eaten there in over 2 years because of COVID. What you wanna bet all those rioters were minorities? God forbid if they would’ve run out of fried chicken and watermelon.

  5. I like to eat and I’m a pretty good home cook. I make about 4 or 5 recipes that are restaurant quality.

    I always said when they start fucking with what I can afford to eat, that was a bridge too far. I’m at that bridge.

  6. @Arrogance is Blinding, that looked like a modern version of “Shootout at the O.K. Corral”. Food fight at the old Golden Corral. That’s a place to steer clear of.

  7. A lot of Democrats who only vote democrat because they were raised by Democrats are in for a rude awakening. Thinking it’s just another election and our guy needs to win. That’s why they put old Joe out there, a harmless old man and someone told me really religious too! He’ll be good for the country and bring folks back together after all the trouble that crazy Trump caused.

  8. As if we needed more proof that the typical legitimate Biden voter was a complete fucking idiot. Name one thing about the democrat platform that would make any marginally competent person think that they want to keep pork prices down? They literally tried to ruin that industry during the Obama era.

  9. Stopped eating out about a year ago, except for a rare celebration. Tired of expensive, crappy “to go” food in styrofoam boxes just to support restaurants, while they also surcharge 3.25% for credit card use, or tack on an extra 50 cents to put your pizza in a box. Shortage of workers making for slow, poor service. I’m a damn good cook, so hubs is happy to eat at “La Deb’s” as he calls it. I cook, he cleans up. So even with high food prices, we’re eating pretty well.

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