Great Point – Left?? Do You Have a Rebuttal? – IOTW Report

Great Point – Left?? Do You Have a Rebuttal?

18 Comments on Great Point – Left?? Do You Have a Rebuttal?

  1. You mean I can’t go to mecca?
    I thought it was one of those “great wonders of the world” that everyone wants to go see. You know…the big black box in the desert and stuff.

  2. I wonder if Killary in all her worldly travels ever saw those sings, and protested?
    I think not. There is no MONEY in protesting shit like that, especially for a corrupt Sec. of State.

  3. You know, the problem with the so called believers, is that they can’t whole heartedly call GOD their father, and that’s what pisses him off, and that’s why they will never see Heaven! They are nothing more than cannon fodder, but he’s ok with that. Because someone has to pay for their stupidity.

  4. Here is a logical proof that islam is an evil religion that does not rely of religious truth claims.

    God’s deportment towards man is either:
    1) Evil and sadistic
    2) Neutral and uninvolved
    3) Loving and interested

    Christianity, the one true religion, best aligns with #3 where God would love us so much that he would provide us a means for undeserved salvation despite our sins.

    Atheism, polytheism religions, naturalism, and others are aligned with #2 where our lives are meaningless since there is either no belief in God or the relationship is impersonal.

    Finally, islam is #1 with a vengeful, nasty god which demands that his subjects lie, enslave, steal, rape, and murder to advance his religion. The false god of islam shows no mercy to those that do not submit to him, so why should such a distant and unloving god reward his blood-soaked followers?

  5. ——————————
    “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy” (Luke 12:1).

    “All religions lead to hypocrisy. Nowhere is hypocrisy more prevailing than in religion. Religion is a field, a realm, for hypocrisy to prevail. The Lord told His disciples that the hypocrisy of religion would eventually lead to persecution (Luke 12:2-12).”

    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you resemble white-washed graves, which outwardly appear beautiful but inwardly are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” (Matthew 23:27, 28)

    – Witness Lee


    Hypocrisy flourishes everywhere there is only an outward form but no inner substance. So this persecuting hypocrisy of religion is not unique or limited to Islam.

    Look at the tragic 2,000 history of Christendom. Wherever you find persecution, lawlessness and murder commanded in the name of Christ (by popes, in Calvin’s Geneva, by N.E. Puritans, by various cults), you’ll find hypocrisy because it’s actually lifeless…dead…having nothing whatsoever to do with God except an outward “form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Tim 3:5).

    What is that power? The very life of Christ Himself, imparted and received only through believing in the Gospel [good news] of the grace of God (1 Cor 15:3-4).

    You know if you belong to that type of hypocritical, godless, dead churches that rejects that Gospel, and with it rejects Christ on your behalf. You were probably born and raised in it and so Never knew any better.

    But now you do know. What you do about it will be the basis of judgment when you stand alone before God…

    “For I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried; and that He hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures…”

    No church, no institution, no mere human can deal with our sin. We ourselves certainly cannot. Only Christ can, and He did! Believe that FOR YOURSELF and be forever saved and safe in Him.

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