Greece has banned fat tourists from riding on donkeys after campaigners said the animals were being left with spinal injuries – IOTW Report

Greece has banned fat tourists from riding on donkeys after campaigners said the animals were being left with spinal injuries


The move comes after shocking images emerged of donkeys climbing the narrow steps of the Greek island of Santorini holding obese holiday makers. Lawmakers in Greece have since pledged to do more to help the animals.

The country’s Ministry of Rural Development and Food has published a new set of regulations regarding donkeys’ wellbeing after receiving multiple complaints following media coverage in July. These state donkeys giving tourists rides in Santorini should not carry any loads heavier than 100kg, or one fifth of their weight. It follows animal activists on the island claiming donkeys were being forced to carry ever-heavier loads while they work long hours, seven days a week without shelter, rest and water – leaving them with spinal injuries and open wounds from ill-fitting saddles.


ht/ fdr in hell



10 Comments on Greece has banned fat tourists from riding on donkeys after campaigners said the animals were being left with spinal injuries

  1. nothing worse than a fat ass on a jack ass
    thank you Greece for sticking up for the donkeys

    “Hey, hey, we’re the donkeys
    And people say we donkey around,
    But we’re to busy slingin’
    All those fat assed tourists around”

  2. They smash arms off chairs and break chair legs with their weight.

    The fatter they are the less self-aware and more entitled they become.

    One sees them overflowing designated seats on airplanes….

    I am appalled that they would thoughtlessly break the back of an animal unable to support their lard.

    Oh, hell no. I am not surprised. …Lady in Red

  3. … the ‘lost verse’ …

    “Old men in tank-tops, cruising the Gift Shops
    Checking out Chiquita’s down by the shore.
    They dream about weight lose, wish they could be their own boss.
    Those three-day vacations become such a bore … “

  4. I can see the signs now: “You must be less than this wide to ride the donkeys.”

    I did see a guy argue with a zip line attendant who wouldn’t let him participate because he probably tipped the scales at close to 300 pounds when the stated limit was 250 pounds. Personally, I would have let him go, but he could have injured hikers below while plummeting to his death.

  5. This pains me. Donkeys are sweet. I had one as a pet as a kid. We let him run around loose on the premises instead of keeping him with the horses. After a while he got full of himself, though. Also very fat. He would nip you if you dared try to put a saddle on him.

    AND THEIR ENABLERS.anybody with a lick
    of common sense would be able see the poor gentle
    critter was overloaded ???
    whip these morons !

  7. I adopted my pal Sarah (mixed breed with shepherd, long haired retriever, collie and who knows what else) a lttle over 5 years ago from a rescue in Greece. She’d been tied to the Rescue’s gate sometime in the night with her puppies loose around her. I gather from emails and the Canadian rescue that arranged the adoption that this showed her owned had a heart because anyone else would have just shot or drowned or just abandoned in the bush. Greece has a different sense of what humane and responsible treatment of animals then we do so I can certainly believe the cruel treatment these animals have been subjected to.


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