Hank Johnson A Little Too Helpful To Ossoff Campaign – IOTW Report

Hank Johnson A Little Too Helpful To Ossoff Campaign

Representative Hank Johnson (GA, D) is facing ethics charges after being caught linking positive stories about his former congressional aid and current candidate for the House, Jon Ossoff, on Johnson’s taxpayer funded congressional website.

The congressman quickly removed the content when asked to comment upon it.


He may not understand how islands work, but he’s smart enough to know when he’s violated House ethics rules apparently.


16 Comments on Hank Johnson A Little Too Helpful To Ossoff Campaign

  1. Don’t bag on Hank Johnson. He is my favorite in a long list of dim bulb Democrats…..long live Guam tipping over on YOU TUBE!

    Democrats. Bringing Stupidity you can’t even imagine on a daily basis.

  2. Nothing will happen. Why? Because the establishment pols are actively involved in CYA operations, each scratching the others back when necessary. No one gets punished…..ever.

    And people wonder why i hate them all……

  3. I am not a big fan of early voting, but I am asking my fellow Sixers to vote early if there is any chance they will be out of town on

    JUNE 20th. JUNE 20th. June 20th. JUNE 20th.

    We cannot let this punk ass punk represent us.

    Reject him and his Congressional Black Cacas.

  4. Why bother. The Ethics Committee is a toothless body when it comes to Democrats. This lying SOB could sit in his chair smoking crack then shoot the speaker and he’d still get to keep his seat. The Ethics committee is the biggest waste of money on the hill. You want to see Congress and the Senate get clean and stay that way. Establish two ethics enforcement groups. One is made up of dedicated Republicans whose job it is to investigate dodgy Democrats and the other a group of similarly dedicated Democrats who are charged with keep an eye on rogue Republicans. The zeal these two groups would bring to their jobs would almost guarantee a clean House.

  5. “Ethics” Committee?
    In Congress? Particularly the House?
    Ya gotta be shittin me!
    THAT’s a bigger joke than Hank Johnson gettin elected!
    Jewish Division of the Waffen-SS, maybe?

    Absolutely absurd.

    We live in bizarre times …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Scr_north. We already have built-in ethics committees such as you suggest. It’s called every damn committee for both the House & Senate. The Rs poised on one side of the dais and Ds on opposite side. They take turns in character assassination of the other side, while extolling their parties’ virtues, and then all meet at the fav D.C. watering hole for deal making.

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