Has it been the fetus requesting death all along? – IOTW Report

Has it been the fetus requesting death all along?


Terminally ill children in unbearable suffering should be given the right to die, the Dutch Paediatricians Association said on Friday, urging the suppression of the current 12-year age limit.

“We feel that an arbitrary age limit such as 12 should be changed and that each child’s ability to ask to die should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis,” said Eduard Verhagen, paediatrics professor at Groningen University who is on the association’s ethics commission.

Children in the Netherlands aged 12 or over can request euthanasia if they are terminally ill, suffering unbearably, able to express their will and have parental approval.

“If a child under 12 satisfies the same conditions, paediatricians are currently powerless,” said Verhagen. “It’s time to address this problem.”

Dutch paediatricians want a commission to be set up to examine the question further.


Jason Chisel – NewChisel.com

6 Comments on Has it been the fetus requesting death all along?

  1. Terminally miserable, self-identified “progressives” and sundry other Seattleites and hangers on should be signed up to remove them from their lives of “unbearable suffering.”

  2. Jannymae nails it. Once you open Pandora’s box, those evils aren’t going back in. Believe me, I’ve had more than a few patients and sometimes their families beg me to help them end their suffering. I’ve had patients trying to literally crawl away from their pain. I’ve seen patients who physiologically don’t present with impending death but their bodies shut down from intractable agony and stress. I get it. Something needs to be done, but who here among us is qualified to be in charge and is completely free of bias or agenda? We need to bring our A Game with palliative care, but it’s not being developed since it’s not as compelling as other health care issues.

    Certainly don’t like to see this in the United States. Our bureaucrats that know diddly-squat about medicine want to make policy about its implementation. Give me a dollar for every time I’ve heard the excuse “Sorry, but that’s not formulary”, and my pasty, doughy fanny would be parked on a beach marinating in tequila.

  3. “It’s time to address this problem.”

    Who has been complaining?
    To whom is it a problem?

    As JF’s article points out regarding Action T4, it’s only a problem if you consider the “community” and not the individual. More “hive” mentality of the socialists.

  4. Liberalism shares many of the elements of primitive pagan religions. Their fanatic devotion to child sacrifice is to be expected.

    Leftism is simply chaos, destruction and death masked in a political philosophy. It’s mania for the death of children is consistent through the ages.

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