Here Come the Socialists!!! – IOTW Report

Here Come the Socialists!!!

As the rest of the world learns their lesson, and scrambles to undo the damage socialism has wrought upon them, the abject dumb in this country, mouths agape, fingers in nose, can’t wait to usher it in.


At noon on Thursday, Democrats officially take control of the U.S. House of Representatives. A short time later, the new majority will pick a Speaker, expected to be (once again) Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Californistan).

Their platform is increasingly similar to that of rank-and-file Democrats, including a “Medicare-for-all” program and “guaranteed jobs” programs, along with demands for a $15-an-hour minimum wage. Democrats will also push a “Green New Deal,” which would create hundreds of new regulations on businesses and the energy sector.

Some, like Ocasio-Cortez, want to see the end of capitalism. “I do think right now we have this no holds barred, wild west hyper-capitalism,” she said in July. “What that means is profit at any cost. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world.”

And a little while after that, they’ll start work on a bold “new” agenda to expand government, blanket business with new regulations, raise taxes on all Americans and push a new socialism that will deliver “free” health care and college tuition.

Democratic voters are also embracing socialism. “An overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a ‘socialist’ political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would,” finds a July 24 poll conducted by The Hill and HarrisX. And an August poll by Gallup found that 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016, while 57% of view socialism positively.

While the socialist ideas have always existed in the Democratic Party, they are now moving from the fringe to the mainstream. Several of the party’s 2020 hopefuls, including Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) are embracing them.


10 Comments on Here Come the Socialists!!!

  1. “Damn! That girl is just so stupid”

    She came from a very well to do family. She pissed away her education. Ended up as a Bar Tender in a dive bar. Now she’s making big dollars with her E ticket punched for life. Actually pretty damn smart. Or maybe voters in her district are pretty GD dumb. Either way, she’s set.

  2. The question for the few remaining Americans is: “Do we allow them to vote away our rights?”

    A Republic, or a Representative Democracy, or whatever you choose to call it, has the power (which comes from the end of a gun (Mao)) but, by no means, the RIGHT or AUTHORITY under our Constitution) to vote to take the fruits of your labor and/or your wealth and distribute it to cronies, succubi, and other assorted parasites.
    The President, the Supremes, and the Legislative Branch are (roughly) 1000 people. Out of a nation of some 330 Million. Thus, 0.0003%. And they have the “right” or the “authority” to dictate our lives? Even assuming that the elections were pure as the driven snow, this is absurd. Our system of governance, our Constitution, constrains the government from exactly the kinds of abuses and treasons contemplated and pursued by the socialist/totalitarians who disingenuously pretend to be representative of the masses. From gerrymandering to out-and-out electoral fraud has rendered our nation a mere simulacrum of a Constitutional Republic – with abusive contributions from both parties of our “two-party” (which is a fiction promulgated by the maggots who control the “two” parties) system.

    We must needs clear our heads of the smoke and fog of our “education” and breathe the pure air of Liberty once again – if we’re going to survive (if we WANT to survive).
    Old Europe is lost. Asia has always been a continent of slaves. South and Central America are hispanic kleptocracies and Africa is … well … African.
    We, America, are all that stands as a beacon of Freedom in an increasingly twilit world – and of that America, roughly half are more interested in getting free-shit from the other half than in Freedom and Liberty for themselves and their progeny.

    izlamo delenda est …


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