He’s A Big F&ckin’ Idiot – IOTW Report

He’s A Big F&ckin’ Idiot

I’m not going to censor this headline. Sorry if anyone is offended. The veep used these very words, so I’m going to.

This moron just said China is in North America.

VideoScreen Shot 2015-09-04 at 8.55.37 PM

49 Comments on He’s A Big F&ckin’ Idiot

  1. Oh really? The guy who said that Roosevelt got on the TV and calmed everyone down when the stock market crashed.

    Are you willing to take that bet?

    The man is an abject retard.

  2. Exactly right Jethro.
    The North America triumvirate for natural resources in North America is Canada, United States and Mexico.
    This moron says China and can’t even hear himself.

  3. biden is correct the Chinese operate US Ports & shipping and have bought US companies, thousands of acres of Property and many US Congressmen and Senators.

    Which of the 57 states did he make the comment?

  4. There’s a couple reports out today that show Trumps number took another jump and they are attributing it to Democrats. Currently they have a traitorous bitch, a communist, and maybe a retard to choose from. This could get interesting.

  5. Flipping through the radio stations this afternoon, I caught Savage saying Crazy Uncle Joe has said he’s not going to run because it’s too strenuous. (He’d rather stay home and content himself with Dr. Jill’s tremendous rack – as he calls it.)

  6. Yes Con. Cowgirl. The way that moron , along with the creep Kennedy, treated Bork and Thomas was sickening. I can’t stand the asshole. When people tell me that “he is really a nice guy,” I tell them to fuck off.

  7. There is a China Lakes in the Mojave desert if I remember right, someplace around Edwards AFB. Maybe that’s what he’s talking about. BFE country if there ever was such a real place as BFE, not a damned thing out there but Joshua trees and jillions of acres of nothing but barren desert. Sort of like Joe’s empty head.

  8. Former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates said of Biden:
    “he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

    He may have called him an ignorant, foolish douchnozzle too but I cannot confirm at this time…

  9. The only way ol’ Joe has a chance is if he comes out and speaks his mind.

    As dumb as he is, he’s got a chance if he starts talking like himself. Folks conbect with that, just ask The Donald.

  10. About time China got it together and joined us. I have been trying to save for a plane ticket, but now can just drive there!! Thank You, Joe. Cheap gas in which to get there, too, you’re really working overtime.

  11. As Foghorn Leghorn might say: “If brains were lard, that boy, I say that boy couldn’t grease a skillet!”
    Whut else would you expect from the Number One Observatory Circle Jerk who can’t count past three, couldn’t organize a two car parade, tells off-color dwarf jokes, gives dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, wax poetically about Villages commercials and overshot his targeted level of incompetence a loooong friggin time ago! It must positively give the Defecrats the Hershey-squirts to think they might have to run this stupid buffoon for President!

  12. Well you can’t have an internet without an intranet, the same as you can’t have rails on land without rails on water. Trans was a controversial word then, now we’re full of courage by using it. He mis-spoke before he was allowed to properly speak.

  13. Oh, and don’t forget Joe Biden, the tactical firearms instructor, who says all you need is a double barrell shotgun – ARs are “harder to aim” and “you don’t need 30 rounds.” You just need to “go out on the balcony” and fire off a couple rounds – because, ya know – we all have a two-story with a fucking balcony like Joe and Jill.

    I wish I could find the video of him mocking the Boy Scouts. It was years ago during some hulabaloo over fags, in some hearing or something – I happened upon it by chance, maybe on CSPAN. There was Joe, mocking the Scout’s honor and their salute.

    I have nothing but contempt for that dirtbag.

  14. We owe them $1.7 Trillion and allow their banks to foreclose on homes they didn’t finance, they own both Clintons, Smithfield, most pork production, AND

    you don’t believe that China is in North America?!

    You’ll have to learn Mandarin before you have to learn Spick.

  15. It’s clear that he confused Canada with China. The fact that Canada has 35million people, no nuclear weapons and shares the longest undefended border in the history of mankind with the USA should make it impossible to confuse it with China which has over a billion people, and hundreds of nukes that are pointed at the USA and its friends.

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