“He’s an a$$hole, but he’s our a$$hole.” – IOTW Report

“He’s an a$$hole, but he’s our a$$hole.”


One of Donald Trump’s earliest supporters in Congress told a group of young California Republicans last Friday:  “He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.”

Marine officer and combat veteran Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) was speaking alongside Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) at a Riverside County Young Republicans meeting when the two men were asked what President Trump is really like, according to the San Diego Union Tribune. The meeting took place in a Murrieta sports bar.

“He’s just like he is on TV,” said Hunter who added, “He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole.” The Tribune cited three on-the-record sources (one anonymous) and social media posts in its report of the event.  read more

21 Comments on “He’s an a$$hole, but he’s our a$$hole.”

  1. General George Patton was one too, but he got the job done. And he was a hundred times better than that colostomy bag Montgomery.

    This may be a bit crude, but the next time you need to take a dump really, really bad, ask yourself where you would be without one.


  2. I Think The Media Peed Their Pants And Missed It Completly … He Was Using Hip and Cool Local Talk. Murrieta is Party hardy Ride Your Dirt Bike ‘Till
    Ya Fly Off a Cliff Kinda Place. Full Of Republicans !!!

  3. He’s not an asshole. He’s an AMERICAN. It’s been so long since there was one in charge I guess you have no point of reference, but that’s why he won, and why he will win again. Learn the difference. Trump replaced an ASSHOLE.

  4. The problem is the left wing media will pick it up and run with it. Next time he decides to say something like that he should actually be in a sports bar. With no recording devices.

  5. That’s actually how I kind of feel about it. I’ve never been a fan of Trump’s blustery demeanor, but I don’t think he’s stupid by a long stretch. And his stated goals are a great starting point for any political negation from the standpoint of average US workers, who’ve been told to take it up the ass for slackers, immigrants, H1B workers, rich executives, international bankers, and identity politics scumbags for decades now.

  6. Although he seems to have a very conservative record in the House you have to wonder about the judgement of this man. Instead of calling the President an asshole, however jokingly or if was trying to appear hip, he was insulting to the one man in several generations that is trying to correct the ship of state that has a dangerous list to port while being attacked by politicians from both sides as well as those private interests that masquerade as freedom fighters that are in reality trying to protect cushy deals and the influence they wield in the government. It doesn’t take an idiot to realize that Trumps use of Twitter allow him to go directly to the people and in some cases forestall attacks by the left. These are not actions of an “asshole”. This quote will no doubt come up in the 2018 and while may not stop his election it will most certainly embarrass both him and the President. Maybe he can learn to think twice before speaking and support his President.

  7. ” you have to wonder about the judgement of this man

    This guy always comes across as the boring Nerd trying to say cool shit to fit in with the Jocks. They had a Water Worlds (I think) episode where they dropped in at his offices and everybody in the place was vaping. Really Weird. Very little policy discussion, mainly vaping. WTF?

  8. I’m an asshole, he’s an asshole. Wouldnt you like to be an asshole too?

    (slight apologies to Dr. Pepper jingle of the late 70’s)

    I showed my liberal dummass bro in law a meme that said “you voted for an asshole, now its my turn” during the election. He got this real quizzical look on his pudgy face. I actually had to explain it to him.
    true story

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