“Hey Hill, Put on the Wellesley Hat and Come Here, I’m Getting a Flashback and I Need Ya To Help Me Out” – Bill Clinton – IOTW Report

“Hey Hill, Put on the Wellesley Hat and Come Here, I’m Getting a Flashback and I Need Ya To Help Me Out” – Bill Clinton

“And keep your head down.”

At Hillary’s Wellesley commencement address she said-

“We questioned if women, people of color and immigrants would ever be treated with respect. We were also furious about the past presidential election, of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace because of impeachment and obstruction.”

That’s no way to talk about her husband.

ht/ NM

Also, from Vstrom

And now, my impersonation of Monica

21 Comments on “Hey Hill, Put on the Wellesley Hat and Come Here, I’m Getting a Flashback and I Need Ya To Help Me Out” – Bill Clinton

  1. She’s trying to convince Youth, that people were mean and nasty in the 70s 80s and 90s . What I remember is incredibly friendly people who were all learning about each other, and just living ! Not some contrived separation and re-integration idea !!! Plantation owners , will they ever learn ?

  2. Democrats are an insult to the beret. My ARNG Armory was near Wellesley in Middletown. One day we were out getting lunch, and a woman in a beret came up to us screaming “baby killers!”

    I turned to her and said something like “I think you are confused, ma’am. We are the people that defend your right to be an a$$hole.”

    The troops with me hit the ground laughing, and she stomped off. Fun day.

  3. She bathes as often as a farm animal, she lives like one; it’s why she wanders the woods alone. Her funk is road kill and dried piss of a satanic mother jackal.

    Bill was a rapist cokehead that conned Whitehouse interns into oral because even he couldn’t stand her vileness. Hildebeast dresses as Lewinsky to cloak herself in human form, but notice how Legion chokes her in its vanity. She would need an entire hog farm of swine to contain the thousands of demons Christ would cast into them.

    The only reason Danny Williams turned out so well (don’t laugh, I mean it) is because his mother kept him away from the satanic, beastcunt, donkey blowing hellbitch. She would have killed them both.

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