Hilarious Attack Ad on Ron DeSantis Makes Him Look Like the Best Governor on Earth – IOTW Report

Hilarious Attack Ad on Ron DeSantis Makes Him Look Like the Best Governor on Earth

PJM: Have you ever seen an attack ad go wrong? You’re about to. It took me a while to figure out if this was a sneaky ad made by the DeSantis campaign because it makes the governor of Florida look like such a hero. But then I realized that someone actually made this to hurt DeSantis. I don’t think it’s having the anticipated impact.

The “Remove Ron” Twitter account, which has over 130,000 followers, posted an ad with ominous music and miserable-looking people flying in an airplane that looks like a convict cargo plane. Everyone is masked and they all look like they’re there by force. As they enter Florida airspace, Governor DeSantis comes on their screens to give them a message.

“We are not doing any vaccine passports in the state of Florida,” he says. “We are not going to be bludgeoning people with restrictions and mandates and lockdowns or any of that stuff.” Meanwhile, scary images of riots and people being beaten by police are shown. It was at this point that I thought, “Oh, this is a brilliant ad! Way to go, DeSantis team.” And then I realized these video makers actually think it’s bad for him that he’s against Australian-style beat-downs for people not wearing masks. No, really! 

The flight attendant then starts announcing, “You do not have to wear a mask! You do not have to get a vaccine!” (Sounds like heaven. When is this going to get negative for DeSantis?)

“It is against the law for private businesses or schools to mandate masks or vaccines,” she continues, describing America from 1776 to 2019. more here

19 Comments on Hilarious Attack Ad on Ron DeSantis Makes Him Look Like the Best Governor on Earth

  1. Propaganda aimed at the fears of the low IQ.
    One look at the Mayo Clinic Heat Map of the U.S. shows that Florida is no better and no worse than most of the states in the nation… and they’ve done it without using fear and Progressive Arm-twisting!

  2. “…rioting and mayhem was from a solid blue city in a blue state.”

    Or Australia…

    “G’day, mates. We are now on final approach to Melbourne. Australia, not Florida. God help us all. And here’s a brief message from Dear Leader ScoMo.”

  3. This is just a sliver of the way a Progs mind works.
    It it weren’t for projection, Progs would have no self-awareness at all.™
    “It’s what I feel, it must be right.” – Oxymoron

  4. Please don’t go to Florida for your winter vacation.
    Please don’t “migrate” to Florida to escape your restrictive “Blue-State” laws.
    And as that noted Congressman, Hank Johnson, once said, “Please don’t go to Florida; you might tip it over and capsize it.”

  5. While we look at that video and greatly appreciate what Governor DeSantis is doing, the Leftists are truly horrified.
    So there are TWO benefits to what DeSantis is doing
    1) Florida inhabitants live in freedom with minimal additional COVID risk
    2) Florida has found a way to minimize infestation by pansy ass liberals.

  6. I was shocked over the summer to discover that Florida actually grows potatoes. And that Georgia’s beef was excellent. But the humidity there sucked the love right out of me. Gotta go back in the Fall-Winter-Spring and reinvestigate.

    Sorry. Off topic. Ron DeSantis is the real deal!


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