A woman was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and eluding police. When asked her name she continually said, “Hillary Clinton.”
Hey, if she identifies as Hillary Clinton, who are we to say she isn’t?
Bill Clinton is currently looking into whether he has the legal right to bang this broad.
Here’s her picture –>
As bad as it is I’d still have to say it’s an upgrade.
Go get her Bill. Bring some ice.
If Bruce says he is Caitlyn, why can’t she be Hilary?
Hahaha! I hope this catches on!
I’ve got a bad feeling about this woman’s future. Can’t you just see her doing the perp walk when she’s arrested for mishandling classified information, taking bribes for favorable govt (state dept) actions and decisions, and lying to govt investigators?
That is the same as picking up a live hand grenade. There is not much time before it explodes.
good catch bfh!
Being the Stunt-Crunt on a Porn set is hardly competition for Hillary!
Here’s another “celebrity” being arrested yesterday.
Yes, the title misspelled Laurence but I hope he is proud.
They knew it wasn’t her because she didn’t put the proper stress on the “Rodham” part of the name.
Bill isn’t known for banging hot women; dogs, in fact, so this broad is just about his speed.
She can use the Hillary defense of “I did not intend to break the law” and therefore be home for dinner with the courts deepest apology for wasting her time.