Hillary Clinton Donor Ed Buck Arrested After ANOTHER Male Overdoses in His Seedy LA Apartment – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Donor Ed Buck Arrested After ANOTHER Male Overdoses in His Seedy LA Apartment

Gateway Pundit:

The man who overdosed in Ed Buck’s Los Angeles apartment last week survived, however the other two victims previously died.

Ed Buck will be in court Wednesday.

Ed Buck loves to inject young black gay escorts with methamphetamine — the mother of one of Ed Buck’s victims described it as a fetish.

He was finally arrested after two black gay escorts died in his apartment from overdoses. more

15 Comments on Hillary Clinton Donor Ed Buck Arrested After ANOTHER Male Overdoses in His Seedy LA Apartment

  1. They’ll put him on #Arkancide watch.

    with the following police report coming on sunday

    Well it appears the mr buck committed #Arkacide by hanging himself with a spiders web as he cut his throat with a spork and shot himself three times in the back of the head with a staple gun all the while he was smoking crack and meth as he injected heroin and cocaine into his left arm that he had hidden in his rectum prior to booking and vaping an e-cigarette with bubblegun juice flavoring he got from his cell mate.

    in conclusion, mr buck died from an unknown lung disease brought on by e-cigarette vaping of an outlawed bubblegun juice flavoring.

  2. Apparently Calipornia has so many serial killers because they don’t count the first few murders as meaningful.

    Now when there are six bodies or more piled up, then yes, they’re gonna start the investigerating……


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