Hillary Clinton is just another masked ‘Alibi Ike’ Democrat – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton is just another masked ‘Alibi Ike’ Democrat

Howie Carr: Alibi Ike was a fictional baseball player in a Ring Lardner short story that later became a famous 1935 movie – Olivia de Havilland’s film debut.

Alibi Ike had a lame excuse for everything that went wrong. It was never Alibi Ike’s fault.

Alibi Ike must have been a Democrat. Because the Democrats have an excuse for everything.

The Alibi Ike-ing of the Democrat party has been going on for a long time, but the phenomenon seemed to pick up steam last weekend as San Francisco Mayor London Breed spoke about the recall of three far-left Democrats on the local school board.

They were all ousted by votes of between 68% and 76% – in San Francisco. The three moonbats were all woke to the max – when they weren’t shutting down the schools for years on end on behalf of the goldbricking teachers’ unions, they were trying to change the “racist” names on the city’s schools and wreck the city’s world-class exam high school.

Mayor Breed shrugged off the landslide rejection of the three card-carrying fellow travelers by saying that education should not be “a Democratic-Republican issue.”

As if Republicans have a lot to do with public education in SF. But even before the mayor went all Alibi Ike, someone on the Board of Supervisors had blamed the recall on “closet Republicans.” read more

13 Comments on Hillary Clinton is just another masked ‘Alibi Ike’ Democrat

  1. We progressives lie and fix elections because almost everyone loves us and our policies. We don’t need alibis when the truth is that everything we do, such as our withdrawal from Afghanistan and our actions to prevent a Russian invasion of the Ukraine, works out beautifully.

  2. To be fair, Democrats will admit to doing one thing wrong, and one thing only: Failing in their MeSsAgiNg & sToRyTeLLiNg. Their ideas and plans are so f—king awesome, but they just can’t get you morons to see that. And that’s why they have to “fortify” elections.

  3. Dems fix elections so they can win. The reason why they can justify this is because they think we are so stupid we don’t recognize that their leadership is in our best interest. That way, when Dems steal the election, it is actually for our own good and morally right for them to do this.


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