Hillary Clinton Just Got “REPLACED” – A New Sheriff In Town! – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Just Got “REPLACED” – A New Sheriff In Town!

Financial Times-

Rick Melby, a retired construction worker from Wyoming, considers the US president a traitor to his country. “Joe Biden has sold us out — he sold our oil to China and just for his son to benefit,” he tells the Financial Times from the shade of a back porch. Melby’s anger stems from a conspiracy theory involving the recent release of US oil from its strategic petroleum reserve. The story, which has picked up steam in rightwing circles in the past two weeks, is based largely on a misreading of US oil policy. It is also symptomatic of an increasing fixation by conservatives on one figure: Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

…Hunter Biden has been named on Fox News nearly 9,000 times over the past two years. That is nearly double the number of mentions for Hillary Clinton, a previous focus of attack for the conservative news channel. In recent weeks the focus on Hunter Biden, who declined to comment for this story, has intensified.


8 Comments on Hillary Clinton Just Got “REPLACED” – A New Sheriff In Town!

  1. If a Trump son was overheard in a restaurant, discussing a novel with plots along the line of what the Biden crime family has gotten away with, the entire force of the US government would come down on Trump’s son.

  2. I could not access the link, it was behind a pay wall.

    Hunter is a head fake, a distraction from the real issues plaguing the country. Of course, he is a deadbeat, a drug addict, and a top-shelf perv (like father like son) but he is newsworthy only when his criminality is connected to his father.

    The Democrats would prefer much time and ink spent on Hunter and his peculiarities, the shiny object over there, and not on the real treasonous acts committed by his father; the premeditated murder of the US fossil fuel industry, the porous border, rampant crime, felating our enemies on the world stage, and inflating the costs of the basic staples of life.

  3. “…stems from a conspiracy theory…”
    Oh – its a conspiracy theory if it involves a corrupt libtard, but is substantiated fact if it involves a conservative (jan 6 show trial media coverage).

  4. You must understand these globalist jerkwads start with the simple premise that if you are not part of the global financial elite you are just worthless retarded trash.

    They are the intellectual intelligensia and we are stupid hicks. This assumption is a religious principle to them, they truly believe its their birthright to lord it over 99% of us.

    We the revolution comes we need to shoot them first.

  5. For years I’ve felt I was a slave to the state, allowed to survive from pay check to paycheck as long as I paid all the taxes heaped upon me and my family.
    This is more evident than ever before, as the sons and daughters of the elite travel the world gaining no bid contracts, Directorships and Board Members.

  6. @Cisco Kid July 18, 2022 at 6:54 pm

    > We the revolution comes we need to shoot them first.

    Trust me! I may be a fed!

    Few, very, very, few “revolutions” were started by hoi polloi. Very, very, very, few benefited hoi polloi more than the extant rulers. (Admittedly at the expense of SOME of those rulers.)

    Of those that benefited hoi polloi more than their rulers, none involved targeted assassinations. Many deaths, yes. Not precision targeting.

    Of course, humanity’s only run this experiment a few thousands of times. Maybe THIS time, 3 plus 3 WILL equal 5.

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