Hillary Clinton mocks Bernie Sanders’ supporters and he agrees with her – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton mocks Bernie Sanders’ supporters and he agrees with her

Breitbart: Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union,” while discussing leaked audio of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton saying the supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) live in their parents basements, Sanders said, “Well, I agree with her,” adding the claim that he was making “false promises,” to them bothers him.

Partial transcript as follows:

TAPPER: What was your reaction when you heard that, calling your ideas indefensible, saying that you were selling them false promises?

SANDERS:  Well, two things. If you listen to the whole discussion that she had, a very important point that she made is that a lot of young people who went into debt, worked very hard to get a good education get out of school and can’t find jobs commensurate with the education that they received. And there’s a lot of unhappiness about young people.  And this is an issue that we must address.  But the bottom line here is that I think that what Secretary Clinton and I have done since the election, since the primary nominating process, we have worked together in a number of areas…And, by the way, apropos to Donald Trump not paying any taxes, she’s come up with an estate tax proposal which will ask the very wealthiest people in this country, wealthiest families in this country to start paying their fair share.

TAPPER:  Yes.  I get that, Senator.  But she’s calling other ideas you pitched, not the ones that you two are working on together, but she called other ones false promises and said what you were doing was indefensible.  That must bother you.

SANDERS:  Well, look, we’re — of course it does. But we’re in the middle of a campaign.  And I — trust me.  If you go to some of the statements that I made about Hillary Clinton, you can see real differences.  So we have differences.  There’s nothing to be surprised about.  That’s what a campaign is all about.

TAPPER: She also said this about your supports and also I should remind people they should go and listen. Go to the The Washington Free Beacon website they have the whole comments. You should listen to them all.  MORE

13 Comments on Hillary Clinton mocks Bernie Sanders’ supporters and he agrees with her

  1. I spoke to a friend recently, a staunch supporter of the Bern, and who hates Hillary with a passion. He feels all hope is lost, yet I could not show him any possible light at the tunnel’s end with Trump. They just refuse to accept anything other than preconceptions of how bad Trump is. If you even mention “Trump”, the doors of their brain slam shut. They KNOW how bad Hillary is, so it becomes a choice of either go vote for Hillary, or don’t vote at all. Which is the same thing as voting for Hillary, the one they detest. How blind can these people be? Brainwashing by jim jones wasn’t this extreme. At least those people’s temple members in Guyana went to their own deaths alone. These people supporting Hillary are taking everyone else with them in their blindness to their death and destruction.

  2. HILLARY: ”Some [MILLENIALS] are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future.”

    ”And so if you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot, and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution [i.e. Sanders] is pretty appealing.”

    ”We should all be really understanding of that and should try to do the best we can not to be, you know, a wet blanket on idealism. We want people to be idealistic. We want them to set big goals… But those of us who understand this, who’ve worked in it know that it’s a false promise. But I don’t think you tell idealistic people, particularly young people that they’ve bought into a false promise.”


    1) I see NO suggestion that the last paragraph [i.e. “false promises”] was limited to Bernie’s statements, but to her and/or the Left in general.

    2) Like the saying goes: “There’s a sucker born every minute”…and Hillary wants their vote.

  3. Boinee the corrupt old scumbag coward. Took his payoff and now is on board. He is a corrupt scumbag.

    Very few people know anything about his connections to the mexican drug cartels and the payoffs he has taken from them through phony “green” organizations. This in return to obstruct the police and DEA from aggresively pursuing them up along the canadian border.

    Why does New Hampshire and Vermint have this incongruous heroin problem?? Because the mexicans are flooding and distributing it through a northern border network, thanks to corrupt Boinee, and it is landing in their small rural towns.

    Boinee is a pathetic cowardly corrupt rat that feeds and justifies the stereotypes.

  4. The Clinton camp must have something substantial over Bernie’s head to so thoroughly de-ball him like this. Or maybe he’s just one of those self-loathing types who likes being made the fool all the time.

  5. Bernie probably doesn’t have all that many years left. He just wants to take his payoff money, go live in comfort, and be left alone. Unfortunately, part of the deal is that Hillary gets to trot him out periodically when she needs him in her dog-and-pony show. You’ll recognize him – he’s playing the part of the fireplug. Right next to the dog.


  6. “a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot, and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it,”
    Save some money, buy your own damn ladder.

  7. How about a limit on spending tax money so you don’t need every freaking penny people make?

    A flat spending rate, instead of more more more?

    People having wealth triggers you, doesn’t it? You lousy rat f**kers.

  8. I meant to quote this in previous post:

    And, by the way, apropos to Donald Trump not paying any taxes, she’s come up with an estate tax proposal which will ask the very wealthiest people in this country, wealthiest families in this country to start paying their fair share.

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