Hillary Clinton wins Iowa precinct by coin toss – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton wins Iowa precinct by coin toss


TheWeek: Hillary Clinton has earned at least one delegate in Iowa entirely by chance.

When Des Moines Precinct 70 was split 61-61 between Bernie Sanders and Clinton, the winner was decided by a random coin toss because that’s how they get the job done in Iowa: more

24 Comments on Hillary Clinton wins Iowa precinct by coin toss

  1. Why are no media outlets pointing out:

    1. The turnout differential in Iowa? Around 160,000 Republicans came out, only about 1,400 Democrats. I’m not a math whiz but, if those are the correct numbers, it seems like a significant difference…

    2. Democrats had about twice as many delegates up for grabs? Is there a different delegate system in place? Do they have twice as many overall?

    And did you also see the graphic showing the under 30 year old Dems went about 90% for Bernie?

  2. Stupid Sanders supporters probably demanded that Hillary supporters supply the coins. Doing everything with other peoples’ money all the time. It’s all they know.

  3. Once again liberals prove they’d vote (Hitler comes to mind) for a mass murderer if he or she were a democRat. The democRats in Iowa are a particulary low IQ brain dead breed of IDIOTS. The future of America is hanging by a thread and they think Hillary (I’m not a crook) Clinton is the answer? Please God save us from ourselves.

  4. The question of what are the odds is out the window when a Clinton is involved. 1.5%+/- in favor of this happening, and that is just with consecutive flips being conducted in one place by the same person.

    Uh huh.

  5. Just did an unscientific experiment (you know, like the ones that developed “climate change”). Six coin flips, starting with heads up, came out 4 heads, 2 tails. Then 6 more starting tails up, I got 4 tails, 2 heads. So overall, tied 6-6. Your results may vary…Hillary’s definitely did…

  6. 2.5 cents of worth, tax that 90% also. Double taxation is real. Even then at 0.25 cents of worth is still too much. No individual should have the opportunity to have any wealth over any other individual. It’s common sense for Bernie.

  7. I found out the numbers being shown for Hillary & Bernie were “delegate equivalents” or some such nonsense. The GOP is reporting around 180,000 voters, the Dems are claiming around 171,000. The GOP number is a record for Iowa, the Dem number is far short of their record. No breakdown provided as to how many of those Dem voters were confirmed to be still living & breathing, tho’…

  8. So after six coin-tosses unlucky democRats get to figure out if they are better off with a Feeble, old Federal Teat-Sucking Commie Parasite who will gladly give away anything he doesn´t own or the corrupt, filthy, lying, influence-pedalling, vile, old criminal business partner of Bill Clinton** who will gladly steal anything that isn´t nailed down!
    Either way there really isn´t a nickel´s worth of difference between ´em!

**a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, womanizing, masturbating, finger wagging, lip-biting liar, despicable, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, power hungry, money grubbing thief, convicted of perjury, impeached, disbarred and widely known as the bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse. 

  9. The odds of Hillary winning 6 out of 6 coin tosses is 1 in 64. In other words, the chance of her winning all 6 is 1.6%. Realistically, the odds should be 50% NOT 1.6%. This shows that it was rigged. Obviously the people chosen to do the coin tosses were practiced professionals who were instructed to make sure that the establishment in the Democratic Party got the candidate the they had pre-selected, Hillary. The people’s choice, Bernie, never had a chance. It was rigged!

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