Hillary Falls AGAIN! – IOTW Report

Hillary Falls AGAIN!


Hillary Clinton apparently fell and injured her foot on Monday during her overseas book tour, prompting her to cancel or delay interviews with British journalists — before resurfacing on a BBC program.

As with previous Clinton health scares, the details are a bit unclear.

As one host called out Clinton for missing an interview, her spokesman initially said she “twisted her ankle.” He tweeted a picture of Clinton wearing a special boot during a separate appearance on the BBC’s “Graham Norton Show.”

ht/ art of the zeal

Some are reporting twisted ankle, others are reporting broken toe.

I’m going with broken toe. Nothing can twist those cankles.

74 Comments on Hillary Falls AGAIN!

  1. She is in England so she needs to get in line to see a doctor. She cannot leave until she gets a doctor’s clearance. That way we will be rid of her for a while. Why won’t she just fade away?

  2. I’ve been waiting all day for iOTW to post on this. I’m looking forward to the jokes from commenters here!
    Her official explanation is that she was RUNNING down stairs while wearing HEELS, carrying COFFEE and talking over her shoulder when she fell BACKWARDS and broke her TOE. Totally explains the therapeutic ANKLE boot, right?

  3. I want to know “What Happened.” Did Trump trip her? Did the Russians trip her? Did Trump in collusion with the Russians trip her? What was Fox News involvement in this? Or is this whole thing just a false story from some group in Macedonia? Perhaps Colin Kapaernick took a knee in front of her and she fell over him.

    So many questions that only a 500 page piece of crap book can answer.

  4. Hmm..and she rescheduled an interview and then canceled again.
    Some bobbing and weaving with those falls ?
    Listen lady, if you have seizures maybe you should train that broom to do something useful … like catch you !

  5. Aww ! Poor Hilary !
    She is returning the Weinstein donations and has been put on a budget.
    It’s rough for all of us but lesson #1 is :
    When switching from the bottle to the box, you can no longer drink the whole thing as a serving.

  6. “she was RUNNING down stairs while wearing HEELS, carrying COFFEE and talking over her shoulder”

    Can’t be. She couldn’t do any TWO of those things at once, let alone all of them. She was drinking vodka with her coffee and fell off her chair.

  7. OMG, to where can I send flowers??

    LOLOLOL if I ever sent her flowers, it would be for her CASKET. And they would be in the shape of a Big Horseshoe with a banner that said “Adios and Sorry you lost the race, you horse’s ass!”

  8. I’m betting she kicked something in a fit of drunken rage after getting the booing reception she deserved the other day. Her line that ‘I was running with coffee with heels on and fell backwards on the stairs breaking my toe’ doesn’t have one component of reality.

  9. While she is in London, she could be pulled behind a ski boat, using her bare feet for skis.

    I was hoping the next time she fell down, she would break her jaw. she would then have to go for six months with the wired shut. What a great time that would be!

  10. If we are lucky the NHS will euthanize her to ration care.

    Remember her foray into socialized medicine with Hillary-care as a First Lady!

    She deserves every malady in the medical books.


    Twisting arms to get donations
    Twisting the truth
    Twisting her ankle
    Twisting logic
    Twisting pickle jar lids
    Twisting primary elections
    Leaving Ambassadors in Benghazi to twist in the wind
    Twisting tongues with Huma

  12. Her foot is fine. If it is hurt, it is because of a seizure. Too bad there’s no video. Probably flew down the stairs like a 2×4 before they could catch her. Keep a lookout for the Zeiss Blues to reappear.

    Damn, this is fun. Like old times.

  13. “Twisted ankle” ??. How do you twist something you do not have in the first place ?. Hmm, the same way you dodge a bullet from Bosnian sniper, you have a bullet hole (in tongue) to show and no actual bullet.., and sniper, ha, ha, ha. 😉

  14. Okay, here it is: Hildy was in a 6-way with Hoooma, Caitlyn Jenner, Cher, Richard Simmons, and a goat named sparky when she spied a nickle dropped by Harvey Weinstein when he came by earlier that day to visit Sparky. The nickle was precariously balanced on the carcass of a cockroach right next to the heating vent at the top of the stairs. She didn’t even see Michael Obama’s used Neon condom when she made her move for that nickel, and the rest is history.

  15. “I was walzin’ with my darlin’ to the Tennessee Walze” when I noticed a broad sitting off to the side that looked like a good blow job, so I sent my State Trooper over to make her a deal she could not possibly refuse. But she refused. Stupid Bitch.

  16. i fell down the stairs when i was fourteen….i did not break my toe, i broke my BACK….spent six weeks flat on a board to prevent total paralysis from the waist down…..still spending the rest of my life waiting for the unhealed fracture to paralyze me….

    wish i would have broken a toe…..

    don’t believe this story from the word go…..”running down the stairs?”….HILLARY??? SERIOUSLY???? …..and then, CARRYING COFFEE????…it is to laugh….she fell down dead drunk – probbly on a flat floor – and broke her tootsie, poor her…..is there video?????

    enquiring minds want to know……

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