Hillary Needs A Title For Her New Memoir – IOTW Report

Hillary Needs A Title For Her New Memoir

The People’s Cube says Hillary Clinton has been doing appearances to promote her upcoming book, but she hasn’t announced a title.

Any suggestions?


128 Comments on Hillary Needs A Title For Her New Memoir

  1. The sooner we can stop talking about Hillary and Barack the sooner the national healing can begin.

    I never wish to hear of them again. They are irrelevant.

  2. The New York Times bestselling sequel to The New York Times bestselling “You May Ask Why I’m Not Up By 50 Points” —

    You May Ask Why I’m Not Swinging From a Noose

  3. ‘My Birthright, My Presidency ….
    … if it wasn’t for that ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’, Bernie Sanders lying, the FBI, NSA, low-information voters, the Russian’s cloaking Wisconsin, everyone that assumed I’d win, the media, Obama winning two terms, cankle-hate, bad polling numbers, people wanting change, misogynists, suburban women hating Mao suits, white males showing up to vote, black males not showing up to vote, cable news, Netflix, DNC not making the right documentaries, Twitter, Fakebook, fake news, real news, that Benghazi video, the Republicans, the DemocRats, the Macedonians, that damned stained blue dress, gravity, corkscrewing into Bosnia, those seizure glasses that didn’t work, Epipens … &, of course, the Russians!!!’

  4. “I could while away the hours,
    Conferrin’ with the flowers,
    Consultin’ with the rain.
    With the thoughts, I’d be thinkin’
    I could be another Lincoln,
    If I only had a brain.”

    Many thanks. The wizard of Oz.

  5. “The People Have Spoken: The Deplorable Bastards!” As written by: Hillary (formerly known as the most qualified person to ever run for the office of President of the United States of America) Clinton

  6. “See You Next Tuesday”

    “Can’t Understand Normal Thinking”

  7. “Sometimes You Eat the Huma; Sometimes the Huma Eats You.”

    “I Stole My Bitch From a Weiner.”

    “Don’t Gnaw the Weiner; Lickety Split”

    “Fix-O-Dent, Preparation-H, and Summer’s Eve: the Aroma of Amore”

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