Hillary Says NFL is Protesting Trump’s Racist Base – IOTW Report

Hillary Says NFL is Protesting Trump’s Racist Base

Hillary is loving the NFL kneeling and wants more. She says what they are doing is protesting Trump’s base who are responding to “very clear dog whistles” sent out by this administration.

She said all this on foreign soil.

42 Comments on Hillary Says NFL is Protesting Trump’s Racist Base

  1. So according to Hillary logic, if I claim I am protesting racism in America while pissing on the flag, I’m not disrespecting the flag or our soldiers?

    Go away already, Hillary. Go join the ash-heap of history.

  2. When will she just shut up? It’s nauseating, but the longer she keeps it up probably helps Republican chances in 2018 elections. Expect to see lots of campaign commercials running clips of her whining and lying about almost everything.

  3. Just when I think she couldn’t get any more ridiculous, she does. If she thinks she’s setting the stage for running for president in 2020, she better get a new book title ready: ‘What Happened Again?”

  4. I was just looking at empty seats in NFL stadiums at kick off. There ratings keep falling. Bunch of us racists out here.

    I for one quit caring a long time ago when people called me a racist, homophobe, islamaphobe, sexist(never understood that one, but whatever), etc. They overplayed those cards a long time ago.

  5. Ugly pig. Did she bow to the muslims too?
    Same crap 0bama did when he was CIC. She thinks she’s going to follow in his hoofsteps and win.
    Idiot will be running from her hospital bed in 2019.

  6. “The former Democratic presidential candidate failed to show up for the BBC’s “Woman’s Hour” and the “Graham Norton Show, as well as ITV’s “This Morning” show, the Daily Mail reported.
    She took a tumble after her appearance Sunday night at the Southbank Centre’s London Literature Festival, sources told the news outlet.”


    Sometimes, the Lord works in obvious ways.

  7. HEY YA ALL!

    The two-time presidential loser/fat ass/rape enabler fell AGAIN and broke her foot in London on her book tour! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Who needs to cancel a tour and multiple interviews over a toe?

    It’s called a telephone, Grandma Bell. Its called Skype, Miss Stanford U. Professor of IT.

    Her whole excuse stinks like her upper lip.

  9. I keep wondering why anyone would want to interview this horror story. I may have figured it out! She pays them to interview her, she paid for her ‘divtirate’ ar an college in WALES. Those payments are why she can’t return the Weinstein contributions. She spent it trying desperately to stay in the limelight. What a pitiful creature she is.

  10. too bad i won’t live long enough to see the day this “woman” ceases to be an every day news story…..i am sooooooo verrrry tired of hearing about her…..however she manages to die, she will be forever revered as some kind of feminist hero, and it makes me sick to think of it……..just like the mythical JFK, she will not go quietly …..she will always be with us, the more fools us……


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