Hillary Stays Upright With the Aid of Medical Contraptions – IOTW Report

Hillary Stays Upright With the Aid of Medical Contraptions

The press won’t ask her about it, even when it’s as obvious as Igor.


58 Comments on Hillary Stays Upright With the Aid of Medical Contraptions

  1. I had an ophthalmologist appointment last week, God, I had forgotten how bad his breath is.
    He was wearing a back brace. I remarked to him he was wearing his Hillary Clinton Back Braceā„¢.
    He wasn’t in the mood for the humour but the super cute med student almost collapsed laughing.

  2. It’s likely the progs will run with the most ridiculous the explanation. Someone just needs to think of it, pass it to the proper media authorities so everyone can read the script at the exact same time so there’s no debate as to exactly what happened.

    Her Harry Reid moment is about to surface. The rowing machine gave out, the slider busted from her extremely strong thrusts, over extending her vertebrae thereby causing difficulty with an upright motion. Or something just as ridiculous.

  3. “Itā€™s likely the progs will run with the most ridiculous the explanation. ”

    Such as, she’s carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, God bless her.

  4. She wo’nt be asked about it because she’s going to Use her Handicap for the Symmpathy Vote. This will give the “Tin Wich” a chance to be seen with Actual Tears, while Blaming Trump for her Ill’s.

  5. Does this portend the terrible possibility that President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton will not be able to serve her full term as President of the 57 counties (out of 3,141 in the United States of America) that voted for the most qualified person to ever run for anything in our countryā€™s history?

  6. Czar of Defenestration, it also reminds me of the evil “head” of the new age cabal in the last book (That Hideous Strength) of C.S. Lewis’s ‘Space Trilogy’.

  7. Anonymous, lol, true that.

    Hillary drunk again + stairs + exercise rubber band (like the one that comes on asparagus) + osteoporosis + drunk again + drunk again and again and again.

  8. She’s about to Pupate.
    Her Grub stage is almost over. In stasis She will completely dissolve in her shell, this will be the last best chance to destroy her because after she emerges she will have her Harpy wings and after they dry she will fly around and be ready to mate.
    God help us all

  9. In the world of concealed carry, that is called “PRINTING”!

    The utter lack of curiosity of the Fake News Media and the deafening silence says everything you need to know about them.

  10. Under her coat is a state of the art soviet micro listening devise she agreed to carry in Washington for a donation to the CGA. She was assured it would go unnoticed after the older model was miniaturized.



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