Hillary will need to prove to voters that these reports are untrue – IOTW Report

Hillary will need to prove to voters that these reports are untrue

too many tipsters to single one out. this is flooding my mailbox. hillary is seriously ill.

40 Comments on Hillary will need to prove to voters that these reports are untrue

  1. She’s suffering from “Liberalism” and wants to make sure the rest of the population contracts the disease. Don’t know if it will kill her, it will certainly be the end of our country.

    So is Bill doing a re-write of his ad for the personals section of the Village Voice?

  2. The MSDP will be tying themselves in knots trying to explain how this happened during their watch. What kind of ego does it take to place getting elected above everything else? A Clinton sized ego, that’s it!

  3. Last month I decided I’d had enough of these reports about Hillary’s health and said, “I give that bitch six months!”

    I made a note of that date–February 17, 2017. I think the good doctor is being overly generous by thinking she might hang on for another 12 or 18 months.

    I’m hoping that she’ll be done in by the stress, noise, and crowds of the first debate. 16 more days, people.

  4. Upon further reflection:

    So, she’s doing this to ensure a third Obama term? And Bill allows his wife to be used in this way? Bill HATES Obama!

    This theory hardly makes any sense.

  5. “I’m hoping that she’ll be done in by the stress, noise, and crowds of the first debate.”

    Problems if that happens.

    I’ll be fine with her dropping to the floor for the last time when she realizes the landslide loss the night of the election. Happier if a sinkhole drops her headquarters into oblivion taking her, and everyone associated with her, with it.

  6. Unless she has an epic health related meltdown in full view of the zombie-like public, this won’t sway the election. It will however be used as the reason why she shouldn’t go to jail. Defending herself from criminality is the only time she would ever release her medical records.

  7. Well is obvious why she would want to be President, knowing she’s at death’s door. She wants to go down in history as the first woman POTUS. If she wants to beat Harrison’s record as shortest term in Office, she might just well do that.

    Another scenario I see looming is that Trump whips her in the debates and in October with weeks to go before the election, will polls showing Trump winning, Hillary drops out because of her health.

    Does Obama pull a scam and suspends the election because the Democrats have no viable candidate, even though she is theoretically losing at that point?

  8. “So is Bill doing a re-write of his ad for the personals section of the Village Voice?”

    He’s already set up. He hired Anthony Weiner full time to be in charge of acquiring talent. Code name: Horn Dawg Service

  9. I don’t buy it. Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make it true. heh!

    The previous video diagnosed her with Parkinson’s.

    I trust these so-called YouTube doctors as much as I trust Bill Nye the science guy.

  10. And now they’re dragging her back out on the campaign trail, to show people the “real” Hillary….the witty, charming woman that Harry Reid and John McCain know so well. But all they’re going to get is more exposure of a sick, old woman.

    They had hoped that her Great Alt Right Speech would put Trump away for good, and allow her to go back to the bunker for a month. Now, she has to fly around in a loaner jet that makes her sicker, and don’t forget she has to answer 25 questions about her emails for a Judicial Watch suit. And then there’s debate prep.

    If the plan was for her to be elected and create a post-election limbo for Obama, that plan has changed. Now, the plan is to burn her out in a final Battle of the Bulge counterattack against the advancing Trump, and hope she remains somewhat presentable until election day.

    Sometimes I wonder who on the GOPe side knew the truth about her life span a couple of years ago. Which one knew she’d likely decompose before America’s eyes by election day. Somebody knows the truth and they’re not telling.

  11. So why hasn’t someone tried to contact Lisa Bardack, the doctor who supposedly wrote the diagnosis cited in the video, to find out if it is real? Well, turns out they have:



    Now I realize that the good doctor could possibly be part of a great Leftist conspiracy and all that stuff (or be afraid for her personal safety, etc.), but things don’t seem right here. I’m not saying Hillary doesn’t have anything wrong with her, but I think we shouldn’t hang our hats on the hope that she’s about to keel over any second now, lest we be sorely disappointed.

    I guess what I’m saying is that we’d better concentrate on eliminating Hillary the old-fashioned way. With a Trump victory at the polls.


  12. TO gfy

    EXACTLY my thought: the video was excellent until the very end, when she goes into politics (Obama’s 3rd term). Were Hilalry to win and die before being sworn in, under no circumstances could Obama take her place. It may go to the Supreme Court but, in all likelihood, Kaine would then be sworn in.

    Ergo: VOTE TRUMP and avoid the possibility!!!

  13. TO Navigator

    She won’t go to jail because of Obama’s corrupt Administration.
    But: were she to “have a fit,” she would gain MASSIVE pity points via the media which could sway the voters in November.

  14. I think it is greed. Yep, she knows she’s “in trouble,” and must get beyond the November 8th mark, for Chelsea and The Clinton Foundation.

    She wants to do it, because she has always wanted to do it.

    The people of America are not a variable in her equation.
    …Lady in Red

  15. Vietvet, I agree with you, especially since these docs were blown off by Hillary once already. It may be that she’s going back to the well to divert attention from her scandals and create the impression that she’s being hounded by Trump’s Alt Right Army of document forgers.

    But the fact is that she’s obviously sick, and she’s not getting better. Most lofos’ eyes glaze over when the email stuff comes up, but the medical/health stuff is interesting to TMZ voters. Especially women. It’s why so many soap operas and TV shows are set in hospitals. If Trump can get women to start noticing Hillary’s infirmities, she is doomed.

    Remember how hard the Clinton pushback was when she appeared on the cover of People magazine, and jokers on the right said she was using a walker? Who reads People? lofo TMZ ET women. They are very impressionable, and the image of Hillary with a walker might stay with them and color their future assessments of her health. Hillary’s flacks tried to nip that in the bud, but all they did was tip their hand.

  16. Not a Hillary fan at all, though it is kind of sad if true. But, if this pans out, then I would think that Bernie supporters would / should be livid, as their candidate should be out there now. To me, if this pans out, this shows the type of people (in this case, democrats) who only have themselves in mind (greed) and it should be apparent to all observers. A lesson for the young, if they are truly listening.

  17. They are taking us all for suckers. There has to be a special reason they would run a dead woman walking. Maybe the other component is martial law.
    Political leftists are probably scratching their heads trying to figure out why conservatives haven’t armed up and stormed the white house yet. They are damn sure asking for it.

  18. Czar, nope, it’s not Obozo’s DOJ or her own DOJ investigating her that I’m talking about. It’s Trumps. There’s more incriminating evidence out there. That should cause her great concern. That’s when she’ll release her medical records. Sick, weak, pitiful old Hitlery. She’ll be begging for Mercy.

  19. TO Nav

    Assuming Trump DOES have “incriminating evidence” from investigations
    (…and, I agree. He’d be an idiot NOT to have done so, and an idiot he ain’t! heh),
    tactically it would make sens to use it ONLY at the last minute, when she has not time to “respond” before the election. Otherwise, he’d want to save it for his Administration to use as evidence against the Defendant (she always looked good in orange).

    But before then, there is likely to be much more from other sources on her health and other matters (e.g. Assange) which could hammer a couple of more nails in here political coffin.

    What I don’t get about your last post is: WHY and FOR WHAT REASON would she voluntarily release any REAL medical records? I can imagine her putting out fake docs shortly before the election, claiming she’s healthy, but WHY would “FEAR OF incriminating evidence out there” be of so much concern to her? If it ain’t “out there,” it don’t exist, capische?

  20. If there is more evidence, Trump could use it before and after the election to prosecute her. Have you ever seen the movie Goodfellas, where at the end, all the corrupt old timers are in wheelchairs and on oxygen? Releasing her own medical records would be to invoke sympathy and help make her case that she was “short circuiting” and ill, not realizing that because of her condition, what she had done was improper and illegal. That’s when I believe she would release her medical records. To help her defense. Capische?

  21. I just posted this yesterday on this thread.. “Unless she has an epic health related meltdown in full view of the zombie-like public”.. It appears that she just did. This is huge!

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