Major studios, streamers, cable providers, and other media giants lost a combined $542 billion in market value in 2022, with left-wing studios the Walt Disney Co., Netflix, and Comcast accounting for the bulk of the bloodshed.
The Dow Jones Media Titans index, which tracks the performance of 30 of the world’s biggest media companies, shed 40 percent this year, with its total market value declining from $1.35 trillion to $808 billion, according to a Financial Times report.
The losses outpaced indices for other sectors, including banking, which saw a 14.5 percent drop for the year, and telecommunications, which fell by 11.2 percent.
Ironically the number 1 tv show is Yellowstone. Why, because they went against the grain and are totally Un WOKE. Where Kevin Costner’s character says thing like this to animal rights activists.
“You ever plow a field, Summer? To plant the quinoa or sorghum or whatever the hell it is you eat. You kill everything on the ground and under it. You kill every snake, every frog, every mouse, mole, vole, worm, quail… You kill them all. So, I guess the only real question is: how cute does an animal have to be before you care if it dies to feed you?”
You’d think the rest of Hollywood would catch a clue.
And yes I know everyone involved in the show is a Lib.
Maybe deep-thinker Caryn (Whoopi Goldberg) Johnson can turn it around
Maybe the Biden “administration” will give Hollywood a few billion bucks to make a movie about the brave Zelenski and Ukraine “freedom fighters”.
“We don’t have to take it, anymore”!
We got shut out of your theaters by the overblown scamdemic, leftists quarantine.
We learned what CRAP Hollywood provided and how little we needed them all!
And the perversions exposed. Bye, bye you sorry pieces of elitist
I didn’t go to a single movie this year at a theater. There was nothing that even in the slightest interested me one bit. And once again this year the Oscars (I hate the Academy Awards) will nominate for best picture a movie no one has seen or cares about.
I thought the original Top Gun was much better than the new one. Better story and cast. Sick of shows about how great our fblie and cia traitors are. And comedy just doesn’t exist in movies anymore. And the hypocrisy of hating guns while movies are filled with them slaughtering people by the hundreds in glorious color is nauseating.
Just saw the 2nd Avatar; first movie We’ve seen since the 1st Avatar.
For 2 billion in making it, they should have saved a billion & made it half as long.
That faggot film, Spoiler Alert, took a massive beating. Only made 1.4 million. Nobody want to see that crap.
The pedophile traitors didn’t get any of MY money, and they never will again.
Top grossing Top Gun Maverick could not save them. I happened to see it last night when it came on Paramount plus yesterday which I have for a week free. I have to say it had a lot of the corny 80s MO in it and was not overtly woke but it wasn’t the most patriotic movie I’ve seen and the Overton window was moved compared to previous years if you know what to look for but we cheer when anything that isn’t overtly insane.
I’ll do my part to make them lose another $542 billion next year.
Doing my part to make Hollyweird dead as a dodo. Haven’t been in a theater since 1991.
I have seen a lot of good stuff on Netflix this past year.
I like going to movies.
I even went during the COVID scare.
But only on Tuesday cheap movie nights – $5.
No way I’m paying $20 for two people for crappy movies.
So my tolerance for what is acceptable is pretty high. I’m okay with another Halloween movie.
But since Halloween, the movie selection is just horrible.
Three hours plus for another Avatar? No thanks.
Woman King or Black Panther? Not for me.
No gay movies for me.
So if you’ve lost me, and I tolerate quite a bit, you’re putting out unacceptably bad product and deserve to lose money.