Home Depot Co-Founder Vows to Help Re-Elect Trump – IOTW Report

Home Depot Co-Founder Vows to Help Re-Elect Trump

Breitbart – Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus revealed in a recent interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he plans to donate the bulk of his billions to various charities, and help re-elect President Donald Trump.

“I want to live to be 100 because I want to be in a position to give it away to those things that I really believe in,” said Marcus, who in the last 15 years has donated to a throng of philanthropic causes from medical research to autism research, veterans groups, and $250 million to build the Georgia Aquarium.

“I’ve got all the houses I need. I live very well. My kids are taken care of. Everything I live for now is finding the right things to put my money into and that can give me a rate of return in emotion and doing good things for this world,” the 90-year-old executive told the paper.

Asked how much he’s worth, Marcus said I “have no clue.” He instead believes the “key is how much can I give away this year?”

A proud supporter of President Donald Trump, and donor to his 2016 campaign, Bernie Marcus has pledged to support the president’s re-election effort.

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10 Comments on Home Depot Co-Founder Vows to Help Re-Elect Trump

  1. I remember a few years ago Home Depot pissed off conservatives over something. I don’t remember what it was but it seems like the name Homo Depot was used. Whatever the problem was I won’t hesitate to go to the local Home Depot now.

  2. @ Anon – I normally try the hardware store, IF OPEN, first, then either a Lowes, a bit further away, for house stuff and go to Home Dee-pot for the more house reno building stuff and of course go there for the stuff the hardware store doesn’t have!

    Went to Home Dee-pot right after we bought the house 25 plus years ago and we spent MONEY there so in hindsight GLAD.

    I feel the need for a 24 ounce hammer!


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