House Approves Financial Oversight Over Costly Mueller Probe [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

House Approves Financial Oversight Over Costly Mueller Probe [VIDEO]

DC: The U.S. House of Representatives approved a measure Friday to require financial oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

The amendment, which passed 207-201, was introduced by North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows and would require the Government Accountability Office to perform a semi-annual audit of special counsels, The Hill reported. This comes after it was reported nearly a week before that the Special Counsel’s Office spent more than $4.5 million on the Russia investigation from October 2017 to March 2018, bringing the total spending to more than $7.7 million.

“A special counsel’s work is important, but they should not be able to spend taxpayer dollars without accountability. Americans need to know where their money is going,” Meadows said on Twitter.

8 Comments on House Approves Financial Oversight Over Costly Mueller Probe [VIDEO]

  1. if I said it once, I said a thousand times … why don’t they just dry up the funding?
    … obviously, the RINO’s somehow think this is going to harm Trump, so they continue this charade

  2. Oh no, the congressional sexual misbehavin slush fund is depleted. Need to move money around so the stupid taxpa.. I mean our constituents, won’t think we’re doing nothing the 170 days we’re here.

    Hey Joe, I have an idea! Let’s say we need money to investigate how much money Mueller & Co have wasted on an investigation for a crime that doesn’t exist!

  3. Btw, am I the only one who’s noticed Congress and FBI have switched assigned functions? It appears as if Congress deems it their responsibility is an investigative branch and FBI enacts (or ignores) laws.

  4. No problem financing a fruitless investigation against a Republican president but God forbid financing a wall to protect Americans against foreign invaders.

  5. Yeah, the House has done a bang-up job with financial oversight of government in general.
    The only people getting banged are taxpayers paying out claims for congressional sexual harassment, funding planned parenthood, congressional pork barrel projects, welfare fraud, food stamp fraud, agency regulations and contracts to special interest groups, idiotic research grants, mindless congressional hearings that do nothing to solve problems or create any measure of accountability.

    Congress to ensure financial over-sight and accountability is akin to the FBI performing nonpartisan, professional investigations.
    Sounds good, but it isn’t reality.


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