House: Illegal Aliens must be referred to as Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

House: Illegal Aliens must be referred to as Illegal Aliens

WT: The House voted Friday to order the Library of Congress to keep using the term “illegal alien” to describe those who come to the U.S. without authorization, saying that as long as federal laws written by Congress use those terms, so should their official records-keeper.

The library earlier this had proposed changing, saying that despite being used in law, the term had “become pejorative” and needed to be axed. Instead the library said it would use “noncitizen” to refer to illegal immigrants, and “unauthorized immigration” to refer to the broader issue.  MORE

12 Comments on House: Illegal Aliens must be referred to as Illegal Aliens

  1. This vote is indicative of the House GOPe leadership…..more concerned about words than deeds.
    Why didn’t they use the vote to close the purse strings of this nation to UN-fund all the give away incentives given to illegal aliens?
    Worthless time and meaningless effort given to a “word” that changes nothing.
    Typical GOPe, are we sure boehner is gone or is he wearing a paul ryan mask?

  2. So, figure out how much that cost, then see how many favors are owed and how much the congressional whores enriched their own pockets, from this worthless piece of Wizard of Oz noise making.

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