House To Recess For 2 Weeks – IOTW Report

House To Recess For 2 Weeks

They just got back from their summer break and now they’re taking 2 weeks off? Seems like a funny way to start an impeachment inquiry.
Let’s announce that we’re formally investigating the president, then take two weeks off. They must not be very concerned about the trail getting cold. More Here

21 Comments on House To Recess For 2 Weeks

  1. Apparently the crooked Dem’s need time to regroup and come up with another impeachment story charade since the last five or six didn’t stick. These people are disgusting and God will have the last say in the matter.

  2. Well there goes A.O.C.’s “Green New Deal Mantra”, as they jet themselves all over the world AGAIN. Many will figure out a way to bill us taxpayers for their travels as they plan to spend 5 minutes with a politician of their country they visit & declare it to be “Gubmint Biznez”.

    I say fine, let them go & then when they leave U.S. airspace, cancel their passports & impose a travel ban on them so they can never re-enter the U.S.A.

  3. Well, Congresscritters being out of session is not all bad. I agree with Joe6; both Pogo and extirps have interesting ideas.


    “No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the congress is in session.” – Mark Twain


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