How a survivor of a South African ‘farm murder’ is fighting back – IOTW Report

How a survivor of a South African ‘farm murder’ is fighting back


Two-and-a-half years later, it remains a horror movie that won’t stop playing in Mariandra Heunis’s mind.

It was late in the night of October 1, 2016, when the then-32-year-old mother of three, who was expecting her fourth child any day, carried her two youngest to bed in their remote South African farmhouse. The cocking of a shotgun echoed through the house and when she turned around, two intruders were standing right in front of her – and she was staring down the barrel of the gun.

“They started shouting aggressively, my husband woke up. They demanded money, to which we, in turn, responded that we don’t have money and do not have money in the house, but they could take whatever they want if they just leave us unharmed,” Heunis recalled to Fox News. “But he just started shooting. I was terrified. I couldn’t stop the bullets.”

One narrowly missed her then-six-year-old daughter as she screamed hysterically, but her husband Johann, 43, was shot beside her five times.

“They stormed at me and grabbed me up from the couch, demanding that I go with them downstairs. My little girl then put her hand up and offered them her piggy bank,” Heunis remembered. “At that moment, my husband got up for the last time. He pleaded. I pleaded. They shot him execution style in the head. They threatened me with a gun to my head and asked where the children were. I told them they had done enough.”

In the end, the two assailants left without taking anything but their mobile phones – a chilling act that meant Heunis was unable to call for help, she said.

The then stay-at-home farmwife gave birth to her fourth child five days after her husband’s funeral and vowed not to stand by as others fall prey to similarly targeted killings.

Heunis now owns a funeral parlor and advocates on behalf of what has seemingly become a controversial civil rights group known as AfriForum, which represents mostly white Afrikaners and is dedicated to putting a global spotlight on what she – and others – have endured as the survivors of an ongoing rash of farm attacks across South Africa.

“We are not asking America to solve our problems, merely that they know that they can help us by putting pressure on our government to acknowledge that farm murders are a problem,” Heunis told Fox News, ahead of her trip to meet with lawmakers in Washington this week. “It needs to be prioritized as a unique crime and then treated as such. These attacks happen almost daily. I have experienced the horror myself when my husband was murdered in front of us. How can these crimes merely be denied to exist?”

Heunis took particular aim at South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who has made the expropriation of land, without compensation, a flagship policy, some decades after the end of apartheid.  read more


h/t forcibly deranged.

20 Comments on How a survivor of a South African ‘farm murder’ is fighting back

  1. I did a little research on the groups who were recently involved in the Border Patrol museum attack. I was interested because a majority of the people ID’d and with outstanding warrants came long distances to join in the attack. The largest affiliated group is Red Nation, an org dedicated to “taking back” land/property they claim is theirs as “originals”. It’s an international org and I wonder to what extent they are behind similar groups in South Africa.

  2. Is it time to bring up those studies about people of African descent and violence? The ones that keep getting deep sixed because they’re “racist.”

  3. During the reign of Adolf Hitler The New York Times reported nothing about the treatment of Jews. Today, The New York Times is determined to oust President Donald Trump and have their “best and brightest” on the job. The New York Times does not have the balls to report truthfully on the treatment of whites in South Africa. But fifty or sixty years from now, they probably will do a few stories. About the terrible things that happened there years ago.
    And as the great commie bastard Walter Cronkite used to say: “And that’s the way it is.” But unfortunately, that’s the way it isn’t.
    We will never know what is going on in Africa until it’s over.
    FYI I have kin over there.

  4. “Heunis now owns a funeral parlor…”

    Business must be booming. It’ll really be booming when her secret landmine factory behind the crematory delivers its first batch to the farmers.

  5. I watched a news piece (I don’t recall where I found it)that presented the story of some degenerates who stole, by murder, a farm. All they did was complain that they didn’t know how anything worked. They couldn’t use the tiller (which is pretty absurd on a 100 acre tract) for a lack of petrol. All of their stolen animals died. They couldn’t run the water pumps (also a lack of petrol), and they couldn’t figure out how chickens worked (again, absurd as chickens hatch knowing everything they will ever know).

    These degenerates may be compared to chickens in many degrees and facets. They are savages, they learn absolutely nothing except the times the farmer brings them corn, violent death is just as much as red paint to them, death in general is forgotten in seconds…

    But, I think the chicken in the end weighs far more in the balance than the savage degenerate. The chicken at least appears finely attired, consumes pests, and lays eggs.

  6. It’s up to the New York Times. The Washington Post, The LA Times, CBS, NBC,ABC, FOX, The British Press, The Irish Press, and all their fearless journalists who are hounding the President of the United States, to take a look at South Africa.
    Phucking useless scumbags! Politically Correct assholes.

    Fuckit I’m going to the couch!

  7. I recall reading a similar story somewhere. They either murdered the farm owners or forced them to flee to a neighboring country. Didn’t have a clue how to run the farm, grow crops, or livestock. The result they couldn’t feed themselves and food shortages in the local community. Then they had the audacity to try persuading the surviving farmers to return from exile and operate the farms as farm laborers.

    A couple of years ago on vacation in N.C. we stopped at a farm with a sign for self pick blueberries. I didn’t ask the farmer where he was from, definitely not a NC accent. His accent sounded South African to me. My guess he and his family fled the coming storm .

  8. There’s a blind eye being turned to this evil. These “Murders” are highly organized, for the most part, and well financed. There’s lots of surveillance photo’s of ass holes with high tech cell phone and radio jammers strapped to their backs waiting outside. Most of these assassinations are military style operations.

  9. @Moe Tom

    I don’t expect that anytime soon, and if they do, it will be sanitized for a liberal readership.

    The NYT would start such an article like this:

    After decades of the terrible cruelty of Apartheid, black South Africans are finally taking back their land. With the white Eurocentric farmers resisting, there is bound to be difficult circumstances which the now dominant African National Congress is attempting to manage and navigate with some success. Murders of white farmers declined last year, to a 2 year low of 1,086. Black farmers are even better armed now than they were a year ago, so the decline in murders is seen as a step in the right direction by government leaders in Johannesburg. As a government spokesman put it, “It’s a real significant change. The black people in this country are showing a great deal of restraint, patience, and a willingness to apply peaceful methods of appropriating the land that was stolen by the white Europeans. We are hopeful that the murders of white farmers next year will be less than a thousand.”

  10. Moe Tom, During the reign of Adolf Hitler, the American media did not report on the millions of Russians being genocided by “Uncle Joe’s” Bolshevik Communists, FDR’s and Churchhill’s buddy. 20 million were Christians, but who cared about them? They are still not remembered in history, even now. Only Jews matter in “history?”

    The commie connection – FDR and Stalin
    By ◊ – June 23, 2015
    [Photograph of close friends/fiends?

    If any country needed to be rescued, it is South Africa now, so why not? If Trump wants to be regarded as a caring, strong leader for justice, here is his opportunity. S.A. has become a Communist (not Socialist) controlled country, and historically, Communists kill in large numbers. So do savage blacks, as they did in Rwanda. BUT President Clinton let it happen!

  11. What struck me — one of the things that struck me was that the degenerate savages were begging the Government for petrol and BLAMING the Government for their ignorance.

    “We dunt know bout ani-mals… we dunt know how de cul-teh-tiller be work… we cunnot draw water; we drink from puddles — mires, what you call? Mud? Duh gubbmen DO THIS to US!”

    Well… duh gubbman DID do this to you, but you are just as culpable. You were promised the stars, sweet water, steak, corn and milk — and what did you get? A mud puddle.

  12. “South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who has made the expropriation of land, without compensation, a flagship policy”

    All I can picture is his head exploding like a pumpkin.


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