How Much Are Obamacare Premiums Going Up In Your State? – IOTW Report

How Much Are Obamacare Premiums Going Up In Your State?

Here’s a quick little app that let’s you plug in your state and see how much more insurers are asking for in your state.

General indicator Here

If you want a more detailed report specific to your insurer go Here


13 Comments on How Much Are Obamacare Premiums Going Up In Your State?

  1. Luckily I don’t have to rely on Obamacare. But I WILL have to start paying the Cadillac Tax when it begins next year.

    I’m peeved. I feel as if I am being punished for pursuing a career opportunity with good benefits. As I recently told my lib aunt, as long as I have this insurance there is a ZERO chance that I will have to go on Medicaid. The government should be thrilled that I have this insurance. But Obama’s knickers get in a twist when he sees white middle-class people having nice things.

    And BTW, even my insurance is not what it once was. I pay more for it every year, and the benefit to me keeps decreasing, wildly. Drug copays that were $5, $15, and $25 are now $15, $25, and $40. Insurance used to reimburse me 100% for the cost of mastectomy bras and swimsuits, now it only reimburses 50%. Office visit copays have gone from $15 to $20. This is just another example of being nickel-and-dimed to death on a stagnant salary. Fuck the entire Obama administration and the horses they all rode in on.

  2. @Willy better yet get government out of insurance companies and health care. So called Obamacare was never meant to solve any problems but to drive us toward total socialist medicine and to control the lives of the great unwashed masses for we no not what we need. Our betters want us to wait in lines (which they will falsify, i.e. VA), submit to constant cancellations (England & Canada), and, the best yet, deny coverage because it is too costly for a senior citizen. Of course, while they do so much to improve our health, they will continue to receive their Cadillac health plans at our expense.

  3. There’s only one way to make IRS-care palatable without getting rid of it altogether.

    You have to sign up for the Make-Me-A-Liberal program.

    Formerly known as getting a lobotomy.

  4. I’m not on an aca plan, but 1/1/16, my rates went up ~65%. I’m a retired federal worker, with Group Health Co-Op (not displayed on link), in Washington State. I opted for the reduced plan. More co-pays, more deductible, less coverage. No one is exempt from the overreach of this Un-Constitutional edict. They get you if you are in the aca or not.
    Maybe they want me to go on the aca plans and be dependent upon ‘dear leaders’ regulations.

    The aca is has nothing to do with CARE. It has everything to do with gov CONTROL.

  5. So far, I am on Tri-Care (20 year military retiree). But at 65 (in a couple of years), I’ll be forced into Medicare (ptu! ptu!) at 10x the cost. But I’ll have to wait until I’m 66+ to start collecting SocSec. Ain’t Gubberment grand?
    I hope to hell that The Donald is elected and can get some of this crap turned around ASAP.

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